Saturday, November 2, 2019

Summary for videos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary for videos - Essay Example Professor Bobo also notes that among the five drugs that have been classified as illegal, policy formulators have distinct cocaine as the â€Å"most illegal† yet scientifically, other drugs have worse effects on users. This is specifically because Black only deal in cocaine. According to Professor Bobo, the existing punitive law, coupled with the assumption that prisons and jails should be the primary reaction to crime, is racially designed. In the presentation by Professor Bobo, he points out key factors believed to be the main causes of cycles of crime as economic, cultural and political. Some of this includes intensive joblessness, poverty, and family breakdowns. All the way since 1960s, one in every eighteen Blacks has been in jail or in some form of criminal justice process. This makes the society in which the Black children grow in being unstable, with many of them having missed opportunities of obtaining college education and serving in military. It therefore follows that cycle of crime continue in the neighborhood. The presentation by Professor Bobo resonates so well with the situation in Chicago where â€Å"interrupters† reveal their side of the story and what they believe causes gang violence. In their pursuit of making difference, the experience by the interrupters reveal issues like lack of education, poverty and unsafe environment as some of the propagating factors of violence in their

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