Thursday, November 21, 2019

Roles of a Supervisor in Virtual Organization Essay

Roles of a Supervisor in Virtual Organization - Essay Example The essay "Roles of a Supervisor in Virtual Organization" talks about the management aspect of the virtual organizations by analyzing the benefits and disadvantages of the virtual organizations. Supervisory roles in virtual organizations require the creation of world-class systems of learning to enhance the innovative competitiveness of the organization to match world-class standards. Supervisors for virtual management require thorough training and experience to be able to manage and coordinate the various activities of the virtual organizations. Facilitation of performance is one of my key role as a virtual supervisor. As a supervisor, I will boost performance by encouraging employees in their virtual workplaces to work harder while at the same time removing obstacles to successful performance. Some of the notable obstacles that I will concentrate on to remove include obsolete technology, delays in the transmission of critical information and inefficient work design. Recognition of the issues, analysis of the causes, and identification of the solutions earlier can help to differentiate between success and failure of the virtual work team. Therefore, as a supervisor, I will put proper mechanisms in place to address the aforementioned issues by using communication the appropriate tool. Through communication, I will strengthen the member identification by providing members of the virtual organization with the opportunity of creating and sharing their varied views of the defining features of the organization.

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