Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Goals Of The French Revolution - 1360 Words

Beginning in 1789, the French Revolution was a time of rebellion, passion, betrayal, death, violence, and perseverance. Before 1789, King Louis XVI was taxing his poorest people heavily, whilst the rich were hardly taxed at all. The socioeconomic system in place at the time, known as the ancien regime, ruthlessly upheld the status quo. When the tension in France rose to a boiling point, fiery, young rebels to rose up against the Monarchy, the Ancien Regime, and the Clergy. These revolutionaries desperately wanted change, and they had three main principles around which their movement centered: Libertà ©, Égalità ©, and Fraternità ©. Liberty is the freedom to do as one pleases so long as one’s actions do not unjustifiably harm others. Equality is being considered the same. Fraternity is a sense of brotherhood and companionship. The goals of the French Revolution were initially achieved with alacrity, however they were abandoned with relative quickness as malcontented lead ers quested for, and abused, power and authority. Liberty, a virtue promised to countless groups and individuals throughout history, was temporarily achieved during the French Revolution. Unfortunately, it was stripped away from those who needed and wanted it most rather shortly after it was obtained. In 1789, when the people of Paris stormed the Bastille, they acted as catalysts for what would evolve into the Revolution. Shortly thereafter, a group of poor, brawny, enraged parisian women stormed Versailles,Show MoreRelatedAchieving the Goals of the French955 Words   |  4 PagesThe French Revolution is known to be the bloodiest and most violent revolution humankind has experienced. The French Revolution was started with the following three goals in mind: a change in government, a change in economy, and the delivery of equality for all. 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