Thursday, October 31, 2019

Education Inequality in Rural Areas of the United States Research Paper

Education Inequality in Rural Areas of the United States - Research Paper Example This discussion declares that  the buck does not stop at the quality of education that is provided, but also on its availability. In such areas, there is little access to educational facilities more specifically tertiary education. This has been attributed to the low penetration of higher education services in these areas. This has prompted many individuals to seek tertiary education in urban areas. Notably, there has been an exodus of persons more so of individuals who leave the region in quest for knowledge but never go back to apply that knowledge to their native lands. This further puts weight on the argument on inequality in the education realm in the countryside. In this argumentative essay, we will look at either side of the coin in regard to the different points of view in the question: is there inequality in education in the rural areas of the United States?This paper discusses that  statistics have indicated the presence of low test scores and the reduced rate graduatio n in specific fields. This information has prompted many taxpayers to take up arms in the expression of their dissatisfaction with the educational system. On   the other side, there are also adequate individuals who still express their confidence in the education system   ability to deliver the required education to the society. But both groups agree that there is a need for more efforts aimed at reducing the levels of inequality and the gap in education in both the rural and urban areas.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Strict Liability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strict Liability - Essay Example However both at common law and through Statute there are crimes of strict liability and vicarious liability. Crimes of strict liability are those where intention (be it mens rea and/or negligence) need not be proved in respect of one or more of the elements of the actus reus of an offence. The prosecution only has to prove that the accused committed the actus reus. Crimes of vicarious liability are those whereby the accused neither did the act nor had the intention but is held liable due to his relationship with the actual perpetrator. The development of strict and vicarious liability offences seems to be historical; a reaction to the plethora of regulatory sanctions and poorly drafted legislation which did not mention malice, intent, knowledge or will. It might appear that 'state of affairs' offences, such as crimes of strict liability are exceptions in English law. These are offences where either the legal or the evidential burden of proof falls on the defence. However, Ashworth and Blake claimed in their research that up to 40% of trials in the Crown Court required the defendant to prove either a statutory defence or disprove at least one element of the offence and that over 123 serious criminal offences had an element of strict liability. Most of these offences are regulatory, pertaining to food, drugs, health, alcohol, factories, pollution and other public health matters, and are mala prohibita rather than mal in se. They argued that this has made significant inroads on the presumption of innocence. The prosecution does not always have to establish that the actus reus was voluntary. So for example in Callow v Tillstone [1900] a butcher was held liable for exposing unsound meat for sale even though the carcass had been certified as fit for human consumption by a vet. A crime may have a mixture of strict liability and mens rea/negligence as to the elements of the actus reus. Hence in R v Prince [1875] the accused was convicted of taking an unmarried girl under the age of 16 out of her father's possession as knowledge that the girl was under 16 was not required for conviction. It was sufficient that he knew she was in her father's possession. At common law there is a presumption that mens rea is required to establish guilt. One remaining controversial area is that of the common law offence of Blasphemy where there is still some confusion. Lord Denning had said during a speech in 1949 that the blasphemy laws belonged in the past: [...] it was thought that a denial of Christianity was liable to shake the fabric of society, which was itself founded upon Christian religion. There is no such danger to society now and the offence of blasphemy is a dead letter. In 1979 morality crusader Mary Whitehouse successfully sued Gay News and its editor for publishing a poem which described a purported affair between a male soldier and Jesus Christ and necrophilic acts with his corpse: Whitehouse v Gay News Ltd [1979]. In 1990 it was held that blasphemy laws only applied to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Middle-Aged

Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Middle-Aged Community Care Plan: Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Middle-Aged to Elderly Populations in Mesquite Assessment Community Nursing DX: Increased risk for cardiovascular disease in middle aged to elderly populations in the Mesquite (75150) related to the behavioral health habits as evidenced by leading cause of mortality statistics (heart disease,, higher rates of smoking/excessive alcohol consumption relative to state (, increased rate of physical inactivity relative to state (, prevalence of sedentary occupations (, the inadequacy of nutritional status and fitness facilities (;, and a lack of programs that offer educational materials about the disease [no programs found in Mesquite (75150) via online search]. Community Goal: There will be a decrease in Dallas County (which includes 75150) in behavioral risk factor surveillance percentage for cardiovascular disease from 8.6% (in 2010 survey) to 8.0%. Nursing Interventions Rationale Community Outcome Criteria Evaluation Possible Solutions Leading cause of mortality is heart disease; 3,218 deaths/13,966 from all diseases; behavioral risk factor surveillance for 2010 for MI 4.5 % which is highest of all metropolitan areas in TX; for CV disease 8.6%, which is within the top 3 ( Management, business, science and art occupations constitute 27.8% of occupations; sales and office occupations constitute 30.4% (other occupations more active than these sedentary occupations;; 9 parks in 75150 ( Adult smoking- 16%, BMI over 30 31%, persons over 20 years reporting no leisure time physical activity 25% binge plus heavy drinking 14% ( Need more information to assess nutrition besides income ($46,788; residents below poverty level 12.1%,; data needed in regards to city rather than county access to recreational facilities 7, limited access to healthy foods 8%, fast food restaurants 53% ( 8.3% unemployed; 82.5% high school or higher; 19.4% bachelors or higher; 5.8% graduate/professional degree (; Preventable hospital stays -59 | ratio of residents to PCPs 1,585:1 | uninsured 31% ( Assess for for risk factors such as family history, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, imbalanced diet, smoking, access to appropriate medical care, and health literacy level; also provide primary prevention by assessing middle aged and older populations without cardiovascular disease. Assessment of risk factors is essential for early detection of heart disease. Hearts For Life: A Community Program on Heart Health Promotion (2003). Retrieved from data/interventio nmica/HeartDisea seandStroke/3118 .pdf Residents will be screened for factors contributing to cardiovascular disease at local churches, senior centers, nursing homes, assisted living, libraries, recreation centers, etc. Nurses will provide proper follow up and referral for results of concern as well as provide education in regards to specific risk factors and how to control modifiable risk factors. Middle-aged and elderly residents will be asked about their known risk factors on initial screening during Fall 2014. Residents will also be asked about how they can personally change their modifiable risk factors in regards diet, behaviors, exercise. Will request follow up on health status at next available screening time (every 6 months at a specific location; varied locations for screenings and assessments throughout the year). Will also request that families attend with younger members to initiate primary prevention and aid in care and involvement in elderly residents health. Residents at higher risk will be assessed further and provided with references to a preferred clinic site or physician depending on each residents financial status. Refer to assessment data above; More information needed on specific HTN prevalence, high cholesterol prevalence; Personally observed data at CC-Young Retirement Community: Many residents unaware of what medication they are taking, especially if they are not self-administering, some even unaware of having HTN or high cholesterol. Conduct blood pressure screenings at local churches, senior centers, nursing homes, assisted living, libraries, recreation centers, etc. Reducing risk factors for CV disease include evaluation of BP. Example of Evidence Based Interventions at a Glance (n.d.). Retrieved from data/interventionmica/Heart DiseaseandStroke/index_5.html Residents will be screened regularly at listed locations on a monthly basis for blood pressure. Resident will be told and educated about normal and abnormal ranges, signs and symptoms to watch out for (chest pain, SOB dizziness, fatigue, sweating), and how to self-assess with a sphygmomanometer if at higher risk/have abnormals. Residents will also be provided follow up and referral locations if higher risk/have abnormals. Residents will be quizzed verbally on normal/abnormal blood pressure readings at the end of screenings on that same day. They will also be able to list at least 3 adverse signs and symptoms associated with cardiovascular disease, at the end of screening that day. For higher risk residents, will have them demonstrate how to take blood pressure. Will request resident to bring family members to come to next screenings so they can also learn to take blood pressure. Those residents at higher risk will be assessed further and provided with references to a preferred clinic site or physician depending on each residents financial status. If possible with funding for supplies, provide free supplies for self-checking. More information needed about programs offered at said locations, need to advertise to public. 9 parks in 75150 (; 4 recreation centers in Mesquite ( Exercise programs offered at local churches, senior centers, nursing homes, assisted living, recreation centers, fitness centers, etc. FAME fitness program show to be effective in reducing CV risks. Example of Evidence Based Interventions at a Glance (n.d.). Retrieved from data/interventionmica/Heart DiseaseandStroke/index_5.html Residents will be able to participate in exercise programs and calculate a target heart rate and taking pulse for exercise. Instructors will provide evaluations of exercise skills taught during classes as well as surveying the frequency of residents personal exercise schedule. Residents will be evaluated of their physical progress over a 6 week time span for achieving their target heart rate during exercise. Provide incentives to return to exercise classes, such as rewards for achieving target rate like gift cards or prizes. Refer to assessment data above; More information needed on specific nutritional food access, dietary choices, height/weight, daily food consumption. 1 Wal-Mart, 1 Kroger, 1 Albertsons in 75150; other listed business include many fast food restaurants ( Dietary education at local churches, senior centers, nursing homes, assisted living, recreation centers, libraries, fitness centers. CARDES dietary programs have shown to be effective in decreasing rates of CV disease. Example of Evidence Based Interventions at a Glance (n.d.). Retrieved from data/interventionmica/Heart DiseaseandStroke/index_5.html Residents will be able to give 24 hour recall for assessment of diet and be recommended appropriate portions and amount of food based off of MyPlate. Portions, ingredients, etc. will be modified for those with HTN and diabetes. Will also offer referrals to dieticians. Residents will give an example of a healthy meal by drawing and/or verbalizing their own MyPlate. Residents will inform on how the food was prepared, where the ingredients would be bought and if those ingredients are within their budget. For those who may not be able to afford at the typical grocery, will offer information on local food banks and food stamp programs. Finding locations where nutritional foods are offered. Assessing locations that give away free food such as churches and senior centers for nutrition is important; providing instruction about preparation of food in a healthy manner is critical to dietary health. Refer to data from above in regards to smoking rate in Dallas county; More information needed on tax funds used from cigarette purchases and accurate pricing of average cost of cigarettes. Cheaper brands of cigarettes, ~$4; more expensive brands ~$5 ( Work with law makers to increase prices of cigarettes and use of increase in net tax for antismoking education campaign. Study of the impact of $0.25 increase in price with California Tobacco Program that allocated $0.05 for anti-tobacco educational campaign. Showed a decrease of 2.93 deaths per 100,000 per year and decrease in amount of packs smoked to 2.72. New York Academy of Medicine (n.d.). A compendium of proven community- based prevention programs. Retrieved from /assets/files/NYAM_Compendium.pdf Residents who smoke will cut down the amount of packs of cigarettes bought per week. In an anti-smoking campaign, will educate residents on how much money could be saved by cutting down. Will also offer education of alternatives for quitting in antismoking campaigns like nicotine patches and gum. Referring to local government data on cigarette sales to evaluate the amount of sales (if not decreased), noting for the increase in price, and use of net tax funds for allocation of educational programs. Petitioning with support of local residents for distribution of tax funds towards educational programs on smoking. Also working with public health center to work with government to offer incentives to cigarette companies to raise prices can be a possible solution. Personal experience of finding information and programs offered regarding CV disease and health in 75150 and Mesquite: poor, not much information via internet, radio or TV; only current mass public media span observed regarding health are acetaminophen precautions. More information needed on listings in local newspapers. Mass media campaign; commercials about health statistics regarding CV disease, educational programs, aspirin/NTG medication education over billboards, radio, TV, newspaper, internet. The Stanford Five-City Project mass media program along with other programs saw decreases in BMI, HTN, glucose and CV risk factors. New York Academy of Medicine (n.d.). A compendium of proven community- based prevention programs. Retrieved from Residents will be more informed about reducing CV risk via information through the media about dietary changes, exercise, etc. Evaluation via use of government data on decrease in mortality rates, statistics. Also if using online media, provide surveys for feedback of helpfulness. Increased awareness in the media driven society can affect peoples perspectives on health. Currently there is only a ban on just bars and restaurants in Mesquite; there is no state wide regulated ban on workplace (;; More information needed on lists of specific businesses and workplaces that do allow smoking. Working with lawmakers to ban smoking within all enclosed workplaces. A worksite intervention program targeting individuals who smoke saw a decrease in the amount of people who smoked, reduction in diastolic BP and reduction in cholesterol. New York Academy of Medicine (n.d.). A compendium of proven community- based prevention programs. Retrieved from /assets/files/NYAM_Compendium.pdf There will be a decrease in the prevalence of smoking in the workplace. Evaluation will not be done if enacted into law; evaluation by law enforcement and fines. There are surveys and petitions that can be taken in support of banning smoking in all workplace facilities; there is a current survey that indicates widespread support of state wide law (

Friday, October 25, 2019

Fight to Maintain Freedom of Speech on the Internet :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Fight to Maintain Freedom of Speech on the Internet       Imagine yourself trapped inside another world, a world where your essence is made entirely of words that can say whatever you desire. You could be young or old, male or female or neither, you are only as limited as your imagination. Now Imagine that someone wants to have a say in what can be said, seen, and done in this brave new world, what would this change, and more importantly who decides what's 'good' and what's 'bad'?    In the ordinary and mundane world of real life people have always fought for the pursuit of happiness, free speech, etc. They are subjects which have always shouted in the hearts of our nations heroes, and rightfully so. What would our world be like if the government controlled what we were allowed to see and to say? It seems that George Orwell described it best in his book 1984 when he gave the scenario of a society in which people who committed the heinous act of thoughtcrime, the act of thinking something that goes against the party line, mysteriously disappeared into the night never to be seen again. Thankfully, the hordes of would be 'thought police' members have been staved off throughout history and we have achieved a relatively liberal society where people are, for the most part, able to speak their minds openly. Well, even in today's world there are still people who get pissed off when they think that free speech goes to far and they say something about it. This brings me to my main point.    The Internet. A land made possible in 1968 by the Dept. of Defense with the idea that if all other lines of communications were destroyed in the advent of war then at least we'd have computers, (I don't know, maybe they thought the electricity might magically produce itself after the bombing stopped). Any ways, thankfully the Internet has evolved beyond that into something which encompasses just about every possible human interest out there. A hodgepodge of political ideals ranging from big business capitalism to the gender erasing equality of the socialist mindset make the Internet a place where conflicts of interest often arise.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Internet Regulation in Contemporary China Essay

China has continued to experience great difficulty in trying to regulate internet use in the country, which has continued to have its share of socioeconomic implications. The Chinese government has an economic environment which is so liberal and the internet comes in handy in playing a big role in the development strategy, particularly in the communication sector. The country is geared to use the internet to boost the country’s economic growth by installing advanced technological networks to linkup with other markets across the world. The number of internet users has grown so fast since the strategy was embraced; moving to 210 million in 2007 from 0. 62 million ten years earlier (1997). Furthermore, the country has 1. 5 million websites and is currently the world’s number two in internet use (Zhao, p. 37). With this fact, it has become a national concern to control the use of internet technology due to the numerous challenges that accompany it, especially its effect on the political and social arena. The country is therefore focused on drawing up rules and regulations to control internet use to help counter the negative resultant effects. This paper will look at the steps that the Chinese government is taking in trying to regulate the internet use, the outcome of the strategy and how the steps are perceived by its proponents and opponents alike. Internet Regulation in Contemporary China China put in place the first set of internet regulations in 1996 and continued to update the rules in the other subsequent years, the laws were amended to make tighter internet access and give the government more control over its use. It was discovered that through the internet, scamming activities, rumor mongering, defamation, incitements and other cyber criminal activities were becoming more prevalent. The legislation of the laws was therefore meant to administer controls and minimize the effects of this misuse which was compromising economic growth. China has established twelve agencies charged with the duty of censuring the internet; some of these include the State Secrecy Bureau (SSB), Central Propaganda Department (CPD), State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT), The Judiciary and GAPP (General Administration of Press and Publication). The steps that the government has taken to regulate the internet use have managed to achieve a compromise point (though not very stable) between giving the nation economic boost and at the same time shield it from harmful influences on the society. There is however some tension in effecting these policies as it involves being more pragmatic and administer restrictions over the news media curtailing freedom of speech. (Zhao, p. 37). Too much censorship of the internet has its share of socioeconomic implications and little of it might present quite a challenge that may result to uncalled for strive. Topping the agency’s list in regulating internet content are the SCIO (State Council Information Office) and MII (Ministry of Information Industry). These organizations are charged with the duty of restricting the very operations of domestic websites. Any indication of possible flouting of the regulations and legal requirements on the expected conduct of website owners is met with severe penalties ranging from imposition of fines up to total ban. Websites that target politicians and other historical figurers in China had earlier faced such bans, this also include those that would be classified as extreme satire. Through the help of SARFT, the Chinese government has put in place regulations to monitor the content of online videos before they are authorized for release to the public† (Zhao, p. 38). This move is just a part of the wider campaign to control the internet content and it has gone a long way in sieving internet content. Positive effects that made internet advocates push for limited restrictions include and not limited to, public enlightenment with worldly information and the comical part because of its help to ease work pressure. In 2004, SARFT Documented a regulation which held it that before any network developer commenced on the publication of his/her content, the firm must receive an official network license in audio and video form to allowing it send its programs to the internet (Zhao, p. 39). But despite the restrictions that the Chinese government has placed on the internet use, a unanimous internet control is far from being achieved. The internet culture presents a scenario that is very difficult to deal with due to its complex nature. The number of internet users in China is so massive such that the government finds it untenable to monitor every information inflow and outflow across the net. Another problem comes in because of the lack of universal laws governing global internet use. Chinese internet regulatory rules can not be applied across the boarders and therefore some contents which are considered illegal in China might find their way into the country, yet China has no control over the move (Zhao, p. 40). This therefore calls for international jurisdiction to apply to internet information flow. Absence of such regulations makes it practically impossible to make the local law effective, hence overrules every decision made on internet content control. Finally, the pace by which the world is gaining control and convergence of technology is so fast such that the Chinese government is finding it close to impossible to revise its regulations to keep pace with such developments. The government of China has redesigned the structure of the media in such a way that it acts just like an integral part of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). The CCP therefore uses the media to run their private affairs like organizing programs, giving directives and implementing their policies. The regulations also call for adherence of the party’s principles and codes of conduct and their press policies. The government has changed the operating principles of the media using the internet regulatory steps to such an extent that the media has now been hijacked and revolutionized into what can be seen as a government cheerleader and mouthpiece used in social modernization and as an instrument to spearhead economic development agendas (Zhao, p. 40). The government is so much focused in making the entire media industry in the country managed according to the principles of the party leadership. The Chinese government is so focused in tightening the rules on the internet use and this move is seen as denying the press the freedom of expression and at the same time locking out the public from enjoying the right of information. These two are meant to be fundamental human rights in any democratic nation. But the Chinese government claims that giving the public unlimited freedom to express every opinion they have will result to political and social instability. Since the internet has sources emanating from every corner of the world, it offers opportunities for individuals to express their feelings and opinions on every topic without fear of intimidation. The internet has literally no restrictions on the content that can be accessed by any interested party and owing to its complex nature, one can not stop but wander if the Chinese government will ever be successful in gagging the media and barring the flow of information across the internet. It is hard to believe that the nation has even the faintest hope of someday being in full control of the content of information leaving and accessing the country. The proliferation and the hi-tech technology that the internet comes with, presents the public with an opportunity to share their opinion with the wider world across the boarders†¦the Chinese has an up-hill task if it thinks it will wholly and single handedly manipulate information flow. Chinese government policies makers have for that reason remained proactive due to the complex architectural landscape that the internet is creating† (Zhao, p. 41). The government security forces are turning information service providers into detectives, by directing them to filter out any information that they feel is undesirable before it leaks to the public. The government despite its efforts has achieved little, the Chinese community despite the sanctions is still getting access to cyber discussions and making their opinions b e known world over without obtaining the government’s nod. This shows how impossible it is to crackdown on online access. While proponents of free information flow are drumming support for the unlimited use of the internet, stating that every person should not be barred from seeking to know anything he or she desires; there are a lot of social and economic tensions that accompany liberalization and decentralization of the internet. That is why the government has relentlessly focused in controlling the internet and sifting its contents before it reaches the public. Striking a balance between content control and being flexible is hard and imperative, there are continuous adjustments in the internet and the rules therefore need to be equally adjusted if the nation wants to keep pace with the dynamics of the internet. All having been said and done, many people hold a common feeling that the internet with its advantages and disadvantages should not be treated as if they are social and political defects which need to be fixed to stabilize a nation, but instead every nation; China included, should appreciate the benefits that openness bring. With an open society individuals are able to express their appreciation, gratitude, un-satisfaction and displeasure to the state, all which are healthy for and recipe for innovation as well as economic development and political freedom. Conclusion From the facts presented in this paper, it has been established that there are conflicting interests on what should be done with the increasing case of internet use. While it is vital to harmonize globalization effect with the rest of the world, it is the hub of rumor mongering and a platform to spread hate messages that can in turn result to acrimonious activities. It is therefore logical to find a compromise point between these two extremities and address the issue amicable. Stringent rules on the internet amounts to denial of the freedom of speech and right of information. It is true that control should be administered on the internet content, because of numerous cases of cyber crime that goes undetected online. Several sites that bring ill mannered individuals together with an intention of causing harm to others are present online. Therefore, the Chinese government is just right by drawing some rules to guide this cause. The fault of the security forces and the government officials is in cases where they are trying to revolutionize media into their own mouthpiece. The media should be left to operate independently with only stated principles to follow. Since China is not able to counter the negative effects of the internet alone, all the other countries have to be brought on board so that universal rules can be drawn to regulate internet use worldwide. If this is done, websites with offensive contents will never find place anywhere in any country as the rules will be applicable to each nation; sovereign or not. If the universal laws are adopted, China will never again lock out its citizens from enjoying internet services without limits and for that effect the burden to control internet content will not be left alone to China as a nation but will rest on every nation. China will therefore develop into a more open marketed nation and on human rights, it will be regard as more democratic as before.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Poem Essay

India Williams Mrs. Holzmeister English 1102 February 8, 2010 The Theme of Love in Helen Farries â€Å"Magic of Love† and John Frederick Nims â€Å"Love Poem† The word Love is a strange feeling that can be one of the most exciting things someone will ever experience. It’s a feeling of warm, personal deep affection that one has for another person or thing. In Helen Farries poem â€Å"Magic of Love† she is very straightforward about how love makes someone feel â€Å"It can comfort and bless/ it can bring happiness† (601). But in John Frederick Nim’s poem â€Å"Love Poem† he uses metaphors to talk about love and you have to pay close attention to what he is saying. The theme of these two poems is love and the opposing views of the author’s views of love. Helen Farries creates the image of love being magical. Love can make people feel good; make you feel bubbly and all warm inside, â€Å"like the sun, it can warm your hearts† (601). She goes on to create an image that love is a gift, one that you can give and receive, â€Å" It’s a gift you can give every day that you live/ And when given, it comes back to you! † (601). In John Frederick Nims poem he creates the picture of a clumsy person, â€Å" My clumsiest dear, whose hands shipwreck vases† (601), but people still see her beauty. Even though she is very clumsy he loves her anyway. In the first stanza of the poem you start to think that maybe this poem isn’t talking about love because of how he describes her as â€Å" a bull in china† and â€Å" a bur in linen† (601). Just when you think the poem isn’t about love, he changes directions and give her some praise, â€Å"The refugee uncertain at the door/ You make at home; deftly you steady/ The drunk clambering on his undulant floor† (601). He loves her in spite of her flaws. In â€Å"Magical Love†, Farries uses informal diction. She uses plain, common, everyday kind of language that we all can understand. There are no riddles to try to decipher or to understand the meaning â€Å"When love lights the way, there is joy in the day† (601). In Nims â€Å"Love Poem† he uses formal diction. With formal diction the poem comes across, as it should. He is seen as almost arrogant. He can do no wrong but his lovely lady has a lot of flaws but nonetheless he loves her in spite of them. He uses metaphors, â€Å" In traffic of wit expertly maneuver/ And keep us, all devotion, at your knees† (602) to get his point across. In both of these poems the common ground is Love. One-poem talks directly about how magical love makes you feel, and the other indirectly talks about love. They both say the same thing in two different ways. All the ups and down makes love between two people very beautiful. Works Cited Farries, Helen. â€Å"Magic of Love. † The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Micheal Meyer. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 2009. 601. Nims, John Frederick, â€Å"Love Poem. † The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Micheal Meyer. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s 2009. 601-602.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Path To Power Essays - Nazi Germany, Chancellors Of Germany

Path To Power Essays - Nazi Germany, Chancellors Of Germany Path To Power Filling three high-level voids caused Adolph Hitler to rise to power as the totalitarian dictator of Germany. With his country in the ferment left from World War One, groups at all levels of politics were looking for a savior. Hitler stumbled upon an awareness of his own charisma, saw the opportunities to usurp power, and pursued his assent. The key factors allowing his success were his rise through the German Workers Party, becoming Chancellor of Germany, and orchestrating the combination of the offices of president and chancellor. The first factor was Hitlers ordered membership in the German Workers party. In September, 1919, officers of the Munich Command suspected disloyalty among political groups when it came to the military, and they needed a spy. They chose Hitler because of his towering hatred for Jews and Traitors. His mission was to join the German Workers Party and help it grow. Shortly after joining the Party he learned that their goal was to discuss ways of creating a better Germany. Many of the members blamed the Jews and Marxists for the problems of Germany, but they had no plan or program to set things right. Working with this organization caused Hitler to discover something about himself. He never expected that he had a gifted ability to control and influence people for his gain through speech. The more he spoke, the more enthusiastic they became, and the more control he had over them. Hitlers emotions ignited the crowd. People lost control of themselves, trembling, sobbing, weeping, and howling. Men as well as women fainted and fell over in the aisles. They were bewitched. Hitler quit the military and decided to wield the German Workers Party as his weapon to become the dictator of Germany. The next stepping stone arose when President Paul von Hindenburg decided that the Nazis could no longer be kept out of the government and asked ex-Corporal Hitler to become Chancellor of Germany. He accepted and thus began the second phase to total power. Although Hitler was Chancellor he still couldnt mount his revolution from within. He needed additional Nazi seats in the Reichstag, similar to our Congress, to gain total power. In order to gain these seats he also needed an election along with a reason for the voters to support the idea of a dictatorship. He manufactured a crisis to accommodate his cause. One evening just before the elections, the metal dome of the Reichstag burst into flames. The fire was so tremendous all the firemen could do was watch it burn to ashes and scorched brick. Hitler pinned the blame to Communist leaders and gained over 17 million votes that secured 288 Reichstag seats. Hitlers plan was a success and he was ready to advance to being the totalitarian leader of Germany. The third and final phase of Hitlers conquest was set to begin. The Reichstag, consisting of only Nazi supporters Hitlers SS men allowed in, met on March 23 to vote on the Enabling Act which gave Hitler total power over their rights to suspend the constitution, change any law, and make any law. With the communist leaders banned from the Reichstag, the Enabling Act passed 441 to 91. Hitler moved quickly to strike anyone else who was a threat to him by killing them or putting them into concentration camps. On August 2, 1934, President Hindenburg died, and the military, pleased with Hitlers accomplishments, allowed Hitler to combine the offices of Chancellor and President, which included being commander in chief of the armed forces. Since all other political parties had been officially abolished, the Nazi flag became Germanys official flag, and every serviceman, from General to Private, had to swear an oath of obediencenot to Germany, but to Hitler himself. With this oath, The Fuhrers Third Reich was firmly established. With these three key strategies, Hitler became the totalitarian dictator of Germany and the horror of the Holocaust began in earnest. No one dare question his treachery. The prophecy of General Kurt von Schleicher was soon to be fulfilled. As he predicted, This corporal will destroy Germany and it will have a horrible end.

Monday, October 21, 2019

privacy on the internet essays

privacy on the internet essays Internet privacy policy is a very important issue and I am glad our Government is ready to take on the challenging job of regulating Internet commerce. E-commerce has take on a whole new empire of selling personal information collected by business. These businesses, such as CVS,, and, are not only "stealing" your personal information but they are also selling it to anyone who will pay the hefty sum. Up until this point, Internet firms have been able to self-regulate themselves. This has to be changed. The FTC must place strict regulations on privacy policies. Commissioner, I strongly believe that if the FTC does not take immediate action all electronic information is in jeopardy of being "stolen." First and for most I advocate for all Internet web sites to post a clearly defined privacy policy. This privacy policy would explicitly define what information is being recorded, viewed, or sold. Furthermore, it should state what, if any, information is recorded in the cookie placed on my computer. The user should agree upon this statement before viewing the site. This will help to make consumers aware of the Internet site's privacy policy; it will also limit the liability that the Internet site has over what it is doing with the information. Another feature that would help curb the "stealing" of information is to ask the consumer for the specific information. This would give the customer the option to give certain information to a specific web-site and it would put Internet based companies on the same page with traditional businesses. A customer should have the right to choose to be on the mailing list. E-mail address sales should be deemed illegal except under certain circumstances. The exception would be that if a web site such as asks in the form of a yes or no, reply question if their customer would like to be placed on their advertisers e-mailing list. Privacy policies must also dictate what ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Analysis of the Case Oticon Using the Culture Metaphor Essay Sample

1. IntroductionThe metaphors of organisations and direction have been discussed by Gareth Morgan in his book â€Å"Images of Organizations† ( Morgan. 2006 ) . Morgan exposed eight metaphorical images of organisations including machine. being. encephalon. civilization. political system. psychic prison. flux and transmutation. and instrument of domination. Each one of these metaphors creates insight. but besides obscures some corners. They have both pros and cons. They enable seeing. but besides non seeing. No 1 of them is said to be right and right. 2. BackgroundOticon is a Danish company. located in Copenhagen. They used to be one of the best in market for planetary hearing assistance industry. The development and promotion of the other rivals. such as Siemens and Starkey. set Oticon in a critical slippery place in the market. particularly the planetary 1. where Oticon export the bulk of its merchandises to. To rectify the state of affairs. the board brought in Lars Kolind. who had great history of scienceoriented solutions despite his youngness ( 30 old ages old ) . Kolind analyzed the strengths and failings of Oticon and compared it with the rivals. He found out that no strengths Oticon had to vie with. On the other manus. Kolind found out that the inflexibleness and low reactivity the rivals had could be a drawback in comparing with Oticon. Therefore. he decided to put a new program to turn the organisation into larning antiphonal organisation. He sought bettering this advantage to capture larger market portion. particularly globally. and derive higher net income borders. In this study. the instance is analyzed utilizing the civilization metaphor. In other words. it discusses what we could see and reflect when projecting the plane Kolind set and applied on the other rules and attacks of the civilization metaphor. 3. TheoryWhen we talk about civilization we are normally mentioning to the spiel of development reflected in a society’s system of cognition. political orientation. values. Torahs. and daily rite ( Morgan. 1997 ) . Political scientist Robert Presthus has suggested that we now live in an â€Å"organizational society† . This sort of societies has typical facets lay by and large in groups of people build their lives around distinguishable constructs of work and leisure. follow stiff modus operandis five or six yearss a hebdomad. live in one topographic point and work in another. wear uniforms. defer to authorization. and pass so much clip in a individual topographic point executing a individual set of activities ( Presthus. 1978 ) . Organizations could follow different behaviors due their cultural contexts. In other words. some societal behavior could be accepted within a certain cultural context. but possibly unsuitable for other contexts. For case. the Nipponese organisational behavior may non differ from the western organisational one significantly. But Nipponese civilization was more fertile to make much work while maintaining the positive spirit ( Maruyama. 1982 ) . Organizational civilization is the corporate behavior of worlds who are portion of an organisation and the significances that the people attach to their actions ( Smircich. 1983 ) . Corporate civilization is the entire amount of the values. imposts. traditions. and significances that make a company unique. Corporate civilization is frequently called â€Å"the character of an organization† . since it embodies the vision of the company’s laminitiss. The values of a corporate civilization influence the ethical criterions within a corporation. every bit good as managerial behavior ( Montana. 2008 ) . Cultural regulation following could be described as the attachment to societal norms and imposts. while cultural passage emphasises that we must root out apprehension of organisation in the procedures that produce systems of shared significance ( Morgan. 2006 ) . 4. Analysis4. 1. Oticon as Cultural PhenomenonMany European states. every bit good as Denmark. started to turn into organisational states after the industrial revolution during the eighteenth century ( Johansen 2002 ) . Oticon was founded in 1904 by Hans Demant. which means that Oticon. every bit good as other Danish organisations. had been regarded as cultural phenomena that clip. From the instance. there are many contemplations that confirm the similarities between Danish organisational civilization and other European civilizations. That may include working hours. quality criterions. organisational constructions. and other facets of any organisational civilization. 4. 2. Oticon and Cultural ContextAfter come ining Kolind to the organisation. there were many indexs that could pull to which context Oticon had been working in. Kolind proposed a new program with many critical alterations that could travel the company toward decentralised manner. That was accepted by the squad direction. but non heartily welcomed and seen as a new hazardous manner. This indicates that the organisational context in Denmark were by and large hierarchal. Kolind seemed as if he had been influenced by the Nipponese developing manner that clip. He had studied the cultural context in Oticon. and tried to research where some positive facets of the Nipponese manner could be built in. 4. 3. Corporate Culture and Subculture in OticonBefore Kolind’s age. the corporate civilization of Oticon could be characterized by aristocratism. where Demant household had entirely been owned the company for decennaries. But after the company had lost its place in the planetary market. Kolind has been brought in to recover Oticon’s place. while preserve its corporate values and civilization. The board showed Kolind powerful support for his new proposal. which reflects a gradual alteration in corporate civilization. Kolind would hold neer stepped frontward without such support that kept even the direction squad off from kicking him. despite their steady reluctance to the new proposal. Furthermore. what could be seen as a important alteration in corporate civilization is the manner Kolind resorted to for financing the new program. He asked the bank to get 17 % of the company. and some of his co-workers to get 3-4 % . He besides offered the employees portions at a good monetary value under certain standard. That reflects a important alteration in corporate civilization. Kolind has created a great trade when he hired the enthusiastic employee. Helle. to be portion of what he called the inside design squad. This squad had the duty of sentiment leaders. There were six sentiment leaders ; none of them had been busying managerial place. Kolind called the squad with that name so that non to endanger anyone in the direction squad. This reflects how Kolind was well-conscious of dominant civilization. This squad has grown bit by bit and was a karyon that multiplies within the organisation. It is a great back uping power that Kolind planted to cut down the immune potencies of the direction squad. 4. 4. How Could Oticon Change Culture?In our sentiment. the first alteration Oticon did was altering people. This started by engaging Lars Kolind. who disturbed the flow radically. He might be one individual. but really of import 1. In point of fact. Oticon became wholly different after brining in Kolind. It was in world a historical limestone for Oticon. What Kolind has done to use strategic alterations in Oticon’s civilization could be highlighted by some particular and progressive stairss. Logically. he had to understand the procedures within Oticon really good. Then. he diagnosed the strategic alteration demands to look into the extent of alteration and identify barriers. That led him to see alterations in manners of direction. organisational modus operandis. symbolic activities. and political activities ( Mintzberg A ; Quinn. 1996 ) . That all contributed finally in the passage of a shared worlds. Changing topographic points is one of the tactics Kolind has applied. Alte rnatively of detached classical offices. Kolind turned the company into a really large unfastened office for everybody. The employees were free to take their topographic points. By using that. Kolind could alter the traditional frame of working topographic points within the organisation. and likely in Denmark. Furthermore. Kolind needed to alter a set of people’s beliefs and attitudes to accept and follow his program. He could pull off to make that as discussed before by making the interior design squad. converting the board to accept some strategic alterations. and enforcing fait accompli on the squad manage. Kolind tried to make the nucleus thought based of what we can name â€Å"Let?s work together† . This thought helped to develop a corporate civilization that spreads values and rules in all portion of the organisation. Kolind has besides dedicated scientific cognition refering with function theoretical accounts to alter Oticon’s world. Spaghetti theoretical account is a clear grounds for that. He destroyed the departmentalization by affecting different employees in many different undertakings. to execute different functions in each undertaking. There were 100 undertakings. every undertaking was owned by person on the direction squad. But ownership at that place was like being president of the board. The occupation of undertaking proprietor was to back up and unfastened doors. while the undertaking director ran the show. These were non common alterations for any employee to accommodate with. But by developing them to play different functions within their squads. Kolind ad ded a new standard to the hereafter employees. who are willing to work at Oticon. Kolind blew up the departmental construction and reconstruct a new construction. Kolind has besides presented indirect technological alterations to the construction alterations. Kolind enhanced the rule of uninterrupted betterment. and that could be really clear from the manner he dealt with undertaking E36. The universe witnessed so the first to the full automatic hearing assistance named MultiFocus and ranked by the company as the most advanced hearing assistance that had of all time been made. The merchandise was a device offered a echt advanced to the user with much more comfy sound delivered by a to the full automatic system. In order to be a client service oriented company. Oticon’s scheme had been based on holding its ain distributers in order to be in direct contact with their clients so that to supply them with original cognition measure and quality. Kolind besides encouraged all employees to hold their ain computing machines by offering really low monetary values for them. Besides. he imposed the addition of unwritten and e-based communicating alternatively of paper communicating. That was really helpful for employees to unify within the organisation and understand the new manner rapidly. For case. if any employee inquires about a affair. s/he would happen it really simp le to inquire anyone around. which means a more productive flow of work. Finally. and as discussed earlier. the corporate image of Oticon has been wholly changed in Kolind’s age. He could add a positive societal value by increasing the public portion in the company significantly. 4. 5. Strengths of the Culture MetaphorUndoubtedly. the civilization metaphor has several strengths. among these strengths is that it directs attending to the symbolic significance of about every facet of organisational life ( Morgan et al. 1983 ) . That can be seen in Oticon’s instance when there was a focal point on each elaborate facet that makes the working flow of the organisation apprehensible through the constructions. regulations. modus operandis. and hierarchies what are necessary for its day-to-day based functionality. Changing corporate civilization is non ever easy due the opposition against alteration. because in most instances organisations are really structured hierarchically and power oriented ( Morgan et al. 1983 ) . In Oticon the direction squad were highly negative. Kolind was clear when idea that section should work in more incorporate manner. by making a multifunctional organisation. where everyone does more than one thing. Therefore. the construct of a caput section didn’t make sense any longer. As a consequence. Kolind did his best to present the thought that the times have changed. and the traditional manner directors had used to work with became disused. The 3rd strength of the civilization metaphor is that it supports the relation between the organisation and its environment ( Morgan. 2006 ) . Reflecting this on Oticon. we have noticed that Kolind has based his determination doing scheme by taking advantages over other competitor’s failings due to their heavy reaction and departmentalized constructions. Furthermore. the manner to understand the organisational alteration can be besides strength. Besides altering engineerings. constructions. and employees motive ; alteration should besides cover the images and values that frame this alteration ( Morgan. 2006 ) . Even though there was kind of opposition for the alteration within Oticon. Kolind has managed to setup a clump of values to modulate the new manner of how to accomplish ends and marks. No affair which method to follow. it had to be characterized by values such as equity and transparence. 5. CONCLUSIONSThe civilization metaphor provides a radical manner of believing about organisations. In order to make a new organisational construction. the biggest challenge would be cultural alteration. When Oticon faced troubles. there was a demand to respond to accommodate with the planetary environment. The first measure taken by the board was to alter the world of the company being ruled by a household. engaging a new leader from outside ( Kolind ) . Even though it was non a existent cultural alteration. but what corporate civilization wanted him to make. Kolind accelerated the debut of several cultural alterations in the organisation. He introduced a new civilization of thought ( believing the unthinkable ) based on his analysis consequences. He managed to make a new construction of the organisation and developed a new roadmap based on the company future visions and ends. Besides. Kolind introduced new stockholders to the company capital. switching Oticon toward public corporat ion. He besides moved the direction and determination devising manner of Oticon from being centralized to be more decentralised. he besides managed to make a shared systems of significance that are accepted. acted and approachable at all degrees of the organisation. since this metaphor is meant to be built around people instead than techniques. However. the failure on such undertakings can endanger any effort to present a cultural alteration. 6. Reference Johansen. Hans Chr. ( 2002 ) . Danish Population History. 1600-1939. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark. Presthus. R. ( 1978 ) . The Organizational Society. New York: St. Martin’s. Maruyama. M. ( 1982 ) . â€Å"Mindscapes. Management. Business Policy. and Public Policy. † Academy of Management Review. Mintzberg. B. and Quinn. B. ( 1996 ) . † Leadership is intertwined with civilization formation. † The Strategy Process. Prentice-Hall. Montana. P. and Charnov. B. ( 2008 ) Management ( 4th ed. ) . Barrons Educational Series. Hauppauge: NY. Morgan. G. P. Frost. and L. Pondy. ( 1983 ) . â€Å"Organizational Symbolism. † Greenwich. Connecticut: JAI Press. Morgan. G. ( 2006 ) . Image of organisation. Schulich School of concern. Toronto. Smircich. L. ( 1983 ) . â€Å"Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis. † Administrative Science Quarterly. Wiener. N. ( 1967 ) The human usage of human existences. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Macroeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Macroeconomics - Essay Example And this is manifested in the steepness of the curves. As shown above at current utility U1, consumer A3 appears to be more aggressive and impatient compared to consumer A1. That is A3 is consuming 60,000 units now compared to A1 at about 36,000 units with the prevailing interest rates. If everybody moves in the direction of the arrow, which is more time and consumption in the future, then the same scenario is replicated with a marginal change of current consumption. (Balvers, Cosimano & McDonald, 1109-1128) Interest rate can also determine the opportunities of investment. Investment has the purpose of creating future wealth for utilization at that time. Thus considering that one can invest by either a past saving or current borrowing, a saving is composed of one net income less what is consumed. Also in order for one to be able to be wealthy in the future, from a borrowed capital point of view, they will need to have paid the tax on the borrowing with the accrued interest. There after the value of the wealth will ALSO be on the market price plus the principal sum that has been paid back. Consider the diagram below. (Balvers, Cosimano & McDonald, 1109-1128) When we have lower interest rate savings, we are likely to accumulate more wealth for future consumption or for further investment from the decent returns. The concave curve moves outward as shown above. However when we have a higher rate of interest borrowing there will be a lower rate of wealth created for future consumption. The concave curve moves inwards to the left. The two diagrams are now superimposed as shown below. (Balvers, Cosimano & McDonald, 1109-1128) The next point is to establish the optimal point at which interest rates determine the consumption and the investment simultaneously. The aim is to achieve increased wealth utility (consumptions) with

A Marketing Communication plan for an eco-tourism Assignment

A Marketing Communication plan for an eco-tourism - Assignment Example Australia being rich and diverse in natural wonders has immense potential to carve a niche market of its own. It has been targeting nature conscious travelers to explore its beauty. We shall take a look on one of the marketing communication tools that will be effective in the promotion of Eco tourism in Australia. Tourism is one of the largest and most profitable industries that promote the unique blend of nature with culture. .After the dissolution of political embargoes in many countries in Africa and Asia, travelers have realized that there is a world to explore which would showcase the wonders of nature, spellbinding beauty and heterogeneous cultures and tradition. . Before the world experienced the impact of global warming and climate change, tourists were restricted to travel in well advertised areas, buying souvenirs, sending post cards and as a result they become an looker in the traveling process.. That has changed. Travelers are now venturing to destinations that give them the opportunity to be a part of the local ecological system. Tourism directly and indirectly plays a vital role in bridging the gap of different cultures and values and forms a symbiosis of curious minds. It also pertinent to the economic growth of the region. It is a direct and indirect source of socio-economic development of the indigenous people of the place. According to World Tourism Organization statistics, WTO tourism 2020 vision forecasts that international arrivals are expected to reach over 1.56 Billion by the year 2020. Of these worldwide arrivals in 2020, 1.18 Billion will be intraregional and 377millionlong haul travelers. Due to the emission of green house gases , the mean temperature of the earth is slowly rising resulting in the shift of season change and extinction of rare species of the flora and fauna. It is causing irreparable damage and imbalance in the ecological

Ff options can only be priced because they can be replicated, why do Assignment

Ff options can only be priced because they can be replicated, why do we need them - Assignment Example Although derivatives are technically conspicuous reason being they can undergo replication using basic financial instruments, they are still the tools that provide those who participate in the market to full of risk to manage the particular risks. Nature of options dynamic replication Dynamic hedging of options is never conducted even with the market makers(Lussier & PareI, 2004). In nature, options are hard to deal with due to the technicality of the language used to describe the tools. The difference between dynamic and static hedging is small since hedging is only realized on minor positions. The risks taken by either parties are very different and highly distinguished, those with the buyer and distinct from those with the writer of the options hence asymmetry in the payoffs making it very hard for dynamic replication. Options also have the tendency of changing their character in a dynamically replicative way depending on whether they are in the money or out of the money. Dependen t on this, is the fact that the value of out of the money option is the probability that at expiry the said option will have some value without dynamically replicating (Lussier & PareI, 2004). Dynamic replication assumes a constant movement of asset prices while the real prices of the assets can move non-constantly. This has the effect of derailing the possible outcomes of accurate replication. The risk presented by this is on the options themselves upbringing bankruptcy to businesses that do not have enough capital (Lussier & PareI, 2004). All these factors combined have an impact on the way both the put and the call options will be priced using the relevant dynamic models. Options are of very high value since in its own context it allows the person holding it to be able to modify the risks they are exposed to favorably. In addition, the asset also gives the holder the special chance of escaping the contract when they realize they are not favored by the occurrences of dynamic repli cation. Pricing of options in relation to dynamic replication Dynamic replication understanding can well be discussed and how it works in relation to the option pricing theory, their relation and functionality is as well discussed. The pricing of options today bases its pricing on discrete time method where the valuation of the asset will take only two general forms depending on the skewness of dynamic replication (Roman, 2004). The pricing of an option depends on the ability of an individual to predict the future behavior of the asset prices. The call option value is arrived at in the end by getting the difference between the asset price and the strike price of the asset, which is maximized incase it is positive in value, and minimized when the value is negative. Under option contracts, option writers are most of the times obligated to deliver some form of liability with regard to dynamic replication, which are valued by way of creating a diversified portfolio that is underlying an d that exactly matches the residual costs involved in setting up both sides leading to a replicated product (Roman, 2004). Arrival at the fair value of an option is therefore arrived at depending on the ability of the writer of the option to form a dynamically replicating portfolio of the assets. Among the many methods used to price options, we have the Black-Scholes option-valuation model (Ross, 2008), which employs intensive analysis in its

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the performance appraisal system at Research Proposal - 1

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the performance appraisal system at the bank - Research Proposal Example 89). Because of this, measuring the input of the employees using informal judgment is not only difficult, but also susceptible to errors. In addition, the early system of appraisal exposed supervisors to corruptible practices such as making biased recommendations. The organization is incapable of tapping desirable talents using ineffective appraisal system. A good appraisal system should enable the organization to track the activities of the employees and allow them to account for their input in the organization. This research explores the performance appraisal system used in the bank, its authenticity, weakness, and strength. Effective human resource management is pivotal to organizational success. The tool used by the management to identify the quality or work input of every employee affects performance (Showkat 2013, p. 69). The need to create effective performance appraisal stems from the need to manage the affairs of the bank effectively. In the absence of effective tool for evaluating employees’ performance, the bank would not able to realise effective management. Thus, for effective organization management, the bank must adopt performance appraisal system that is capable of giving accurate measurement of employees’ input. Showkat (2013) defined performance appraisal as organized or formal method used in distinguishing between effective workers and the less effective ones as well as discriminate among the desirable and undesirable character traits of these workers. Measurement of the employees input give the organization a chance to build employees talent or seek another employee that is capable of meeting employer’s goals. In addition, the organization develops informed opinion about the employee by referring to performance appraisal. According to Harvard Business School (2013, p.127), the basic assumption that drives the need to

Explain Internet and distributed application services Essay

Explain Internet and distributed application services - Essay Example Different forms of clusters exist and each has its failures, and advantages that paper intends to examine. Introduction The term cluster is used in the computer technology to refer to a group of loosely coupled computers that are configured to work as a unit. Every node often operates as a complete unit as opposed to the operations of a tightly coupled multiprocessing system. Clustered computers usually have independent CPU, I/O, and memory (Englander, 2003). Clustered computers may constitute multiple processing systems. A computer in a cluster refers to a node (Englander, 2003). The main aim of clustering computers is to make the users to see them as single machines, which they are not in the actual sense. There are the main reasons for clustering computers; however, each reason has its challenges and better share of benefits. The main advantages of clustering include increasing the computing power of computers by combining the individual power of each computer. Notably, a computer has the power to process data independently (Englander, 2003). ... Fundamentally, clustering is a significant practice in computer technology since it is a sure way of increasing or designing highly performing computer systems. The processing problem including parallel processing units can be solved by breaking the problem into subtasks and then distributing them to different or parallel processing units among the nodes thereby solving the problem in parallel (Englander, 2003). Clustering also intends to create fault tolerant systems because each computer with the cluster is able to operate alone without the assistance from other computers within the cluster (Englander, 2003). Therefore, a node failure will not lead to standstill operational since the entire cluster will not be closed. The software controlling the entire cluster is capable of switching processes to other nodes within the cluster in a process referred to failover. Therefore, failures of certain nodes, the failed nodes’ processes can be switched to other functional nodes within the system; this switching will facilitate the continuation of processes that were running on the failed node or computer (Englander, 2003). Nonetheless, a cluster that has never experienced any form of failure can be designed and this is often advantageous for systems that process critical applications. Clusters are also vital in creating high available systems where computers within the cluster can be distributed geographically over a wide area (Englander, 2003). Therefore, users can access the closest computer system with the cluster. In most cases, this phenomenon creates a natural balancing of loads among different or series of computer nodes

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Design in its Golden Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Design in its Golden Age - Essay Example These rises were paralleled by a growth in export figures over the same period and by 1957 the world trade in manufactured goods exceeded that in primary produce for the first time ever " (Sparke, 1987). Such economical prosperity was mainly due to the rapid development of technology during and after the Second World War. Among the most significant achievements were creation of radar and work in aircraft production. For Sparke (1987) it was creation of the transistor, "which made possible the miniaturization of electronic equipment, including computers, which in turn were to play such a central role in the postwar period, both in the automation of production and in information retrieval". Manufacturing and trade expanded rapidly and soon achieved the international level. The outcomes allowed the consumers to buy more and more and the producers made their best to satisfy purchasers. Press and Cooper (2003) in the chapter "Design and consumer culture" argue that in the first part of the twentieth century the economy was organized on a national basis. Today people, commodities, and money circulate around the world. "The things we take for granted today - driving a Toyota made in England, foreign holidays, the overseas students with whom we study, our Levis made in the Philippines, bunches of flowers sold on New York streets that are grown in Africa, e-mail exchanges with friends in other countries - reflect a level of globalization that was unheard of a generation ago" (Press and Cooper, 2003). The number of choices grew and here the designers envisaged their major challenge: design became the means by which goods were distinguished. With the help of designers producers tried to make their product more desirable for the consumer. One of the most enduring images of design for consumer luxury was the image of American car in 50's, which combined the huge sweeping forms of streamlined luxury with chrome detail and space age tail fins. General motors' Designer, Harley Earl, was aimed to channel consumer spending towards a new car every year. "By 1953, everyone in the United States who really needed a car had already bought one, so the automobile companies realized that if they were to keep up their sales figures they would have to change their styling more often. The great idea was to use design features that were so extreme that they would date quickly" (Powell, and Peel, 1988, p.66). Press and Cooper (2003) provide their understanding of design. To them it "is a process by which a product is encoded with symbolic meaning both through product design and advertising design. This encoding aims to point towards a preferred reading of the product". As an example they give the Italian scooter, which encoded a preferred reading of it as a feminized form of transport. Press and Cooper (2003, p.15) quote sociologists Scott Lash and John Uny who explain, "we analyze, not so much knowledge - or information-intensivity in production, but design-intensivity and, with the decline of importance of the labour process, the growing importance of the design process". The combination of words "total design" appeared, the expression "form follows function" was turned into "design follows sales". Designers designed anything and everything in a new postwar world

Explain Internet and distributed application services Essay

Explain Internet and distributed application services - Essay Example Different forms of clusters exist and each has its failures, and advantages that paper intends to examine. Introduction The term cluster is used in the computer technology to refer to a group of loosely coupled computers that are configured to work as a unit. Every node often operates as a complete unit as opposed to the operations of a tightly coupled multiprocessing system. Clustered computers usually have independent CPU, I/O, and memory (Englander, 2003). Clustered computers may constitute multiple processing systems. A computer in a cluster refers to a node (Englander, 2003). The main aim of clustering computers is to make the users to see them as single machines, which they are not in the actual sense. There are the main reasons for clustering computers; however, each reason has its challenges and better share of benefits. The main advantages of clustering include increasing the computing power of computers by combining the individual power of each computer. Notably, a computer has the power to process data independently (Englander, 2003). ... Fundamentally, clustering is a significant practice in computer technology since it is a sure way of increasing or designing highly performing computer systems. The processing problem including parallel processing units can be solved by breaking the problem into subtasks and then distributing them to different or parallel processing units among the nodes thereby solving the problem in parallel (Englander, 2003). Clustering also intends to create fault tolerant systems because each computer with the cluster is able to operate alone without the assistance from other computers within the cluster (Englander, 2003). Therefore, a node failure will not lead to standstill operational since the entire cluster will not be closed. The software controlling the entire cluster is capable of switching processes to other nodes within the cluster in a process referred to failover. Therefore, failures of certain nodes, the failed nodes’ processes can be switched to other functional nodes within the system; this switching will facilitate the continuation of processes that were running on the failed node or computer (Englander, 2003). Nonetheless, a cluster that has never experienced any form of failure can be designed and this is often advantageous for systems that process critical applications. Clusters are also vital in creating high available systems where computers within the cluster can be distributed geographically over a wide area (Englander, 2003). Therefore, users can access the closest computer system with the cluster. In most cases, this phenomenon creates a natural balancing of loads among different or series of computer nodes

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analysis of how both companies meet their financial objectives and aims Essay Example for Free

Analysis of how both companies meet their financial objectives and aims Essay In this report I have decided to concentrate on two companies, Woolworths plc and WHSmith plc, I will be analysing and comparing the two companies on their objectives (what they say their objectives are, and how they meet those objectives set) and their performances (if they have made profit or loss). I will research all these from their annual report, which is provided on the Internet. An introduction of both companies Woolworths is known to be one of Britains leading general merchandise retailers, with great brands, strong market position and a powerful presence in home entertainment. The company has one of the highest customer shoppers performances of all UK retailers and today known to be the largest non-food retail chains. WHSmith is also one of the UKs leading retail groups incorporating market-leading companies in retailing publishing and news distributing. WHSmith has 1,464 stores world-wide; all these locate in place like the UK high street, airport, stations and countries outside of the United Kingdom such as North America and Asia The performance of the companies Last year was an eventful and challenging year for the Woolworth; the first half of the year when they were still part of Kingfishers plc was a moment of uncertainty as the future of the company was being decided. The company detached themselves from Kingfisher plc on 28 August 2001, leaving them with 200 million of debt, over ? 100 million of excess stock, loss marking new format and e-business. Woolworths formats are designed to appeal to the value-conscious consumer. Woolworths is a mass-market retailer with a leading brand and broad product offering at competitive prices. Their mission is to be at the heart of the community and the best loved retailer for kids, home and family leisure. The companys brand is known to be one of the best-recognised retail brands in the UK and proving this is on average, 6. 5 million customer transactions are made on tills per week. Woolworths business operates in the UK general merchandising market, which is both large and highly fragmented, with participants of varying sizes and covering different category mixes.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Compromise Of 1877 Frederick Douglass History Essay

Compromise Of 1877 Frederick Douglass History Essay Frederick Douglass was one of the most well-known fiery orators and his famous speeches, including The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro, were published in many different abolitionist newspapers. On July 5, 1852, Douglass was invited to present a speech about the importance of the Fourth of July for Americas black people. In his speech, Douglass condemned the attitude of the American population toward slavery. In fact, Douglass was very radicalized by the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law in 1850. This law allowed the search and arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery had been abolished. In addition, the law obliges the population of all states to actively participate in the capture of fugitive slaves, and the severe punishment for the slaves, those who harbor them, and those who have not contributed to the capture of a slave. That is why, Douglass became radicalized by the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law in 1850 and stated that these events were very cruel in American history. Reconstruction was a period in the U.S. history after the Civil War, from 1865 to 1877 years. In the U.S. history, reconstruction involve, firstly, a historical period following the Civil War between the North and the South, and, secondly, the transformation of the South in the period from about 1865-1866 to 1877 during the restructuring of the government and society in the former Confederacy. Three adopted amendments to the Constitution have affected the whole country. In various southern states, reconstruction began and ended at different times, in the end, the completion of this process is generally considered to be a compromise of 1877. Reconstruction policy was implemented after the fact when the slaveholding South found itself completely at the mercy of the Federal Army. President Abraham Lincoln during the war created the Reconstruction government in several Southern states Tennessee, Arkansas and Louisiana, and gave the land to former slaves in South Carolina. After Lincolns assassination, President Andrew Johnson tried to follow the policies of his predecessor and appointed new governors in the summer of 1865. Soon, he said that the objectives of the war the national unity and the elimination of slavery have been achieved and, therefore, the reconstruction was complete. All in all, it is possible to conclude that despite a lot of abuse and the fact that Reconstruction did not go swimmingly, all the goals were achieved in a proper way and it completed the separation between the North and South. Thus, Reconstruction can be considered to be a success. The movie Glory is based a true story that tells about the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer, which took place during the Civil War. The 54th Regiment was the first unit of the U.S. Army composed entirely of blacks (except for officers). The regiment was formed in 1862 and headed by young Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, who believed that former slaves could also be good soldiers. Colonel Shaw will have to deal with racial prejudice of his enemies and friends, the officers, who began to despise him for his choice. The major differences existed among the black soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry were the fact that the regiment included not only the free blacks, but also the escaped ones who together struggled for their freedom rights. Additionally, they both were from different regions of origin and had different educational backgrounds. However, despite discrimination during the Civil War, blacks could prove that they were good soldiers willing to struggle to the death for their rights. The Emancipation of Proclamation was a document that consisted of two orders of Abraham Lincoln issued during the Civil War. The first decree issued on September 22, 1862, declared free all slaves in any state of the CSA. The second decree issued on January 1, 1863, named the 10 individual states to be covered by the abolition of slavery. At the beginning, the Emancipation of Proclamation was criticized because it emancipated slaves only in the areas where the United States of America had no power. However, the Proclamation brought freedom to thousands of slaves in the day when it entered into force, and in nine of the ten states in which it was applied (Texas was the only exception). In such a case, it is possible to say that the Emancipation of Proclamation was an act of justice, which brought freedom to black slaves and strived to abolish slavery. From the beginning of the Civil War, blacks in the North have made persistent attempts to win the right to serve in the federal army and to defend their freedom. F. Douglas during the Civil War tirelessly explained that the key political issue is the destruction of slavery and insisted on the admission of blacks in the Union Army. However, until the middle of 1862 the government refused them in this. Only under the influence of military setbacks and the growing pressure from the masses, it was decided to call blacks in the Union Army. Before the Civil War, blacks were recruited into the navy, but only in non-combatant positions without the right to bear arms. Thus, nearly two years of war blacks were not allowed to join the army, and only the number of serious injuries has forced Republicans to accept blacks into the Army. Compulsory recruitment of blacks into the army was resolved only by the law of 24 February 1864, that is, in the final year of the war. Blacks fought with unparalleled courage and played a huge role in the victory of the North. Hence, it is possible to draw a conclusion that blacks during the civil war showed many examples of heroism and resourcefulness and had a great impact on the outcome of the Civil War.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Through a Freudian Lens Essay

Without personal access to authors, readers are left to themselves to interpret literature. This can become challenging with more difficult texts, such as Joseph Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness. Fortunately, literary audiences are not abandoned to flounder in pieces such as this; active readers may look through many different lenses to see possible meanings in a work. For example, Conrad’s Heart of Darkness may be deciphered with a post-colonial, feminist, or archetypal mindset, or analyzed with Freudian psycho-analytic theory. The latter two would effectively reveal the greater roles of Kurtz and Marlow as the id and the ego, respectively, and offer the opportunity to draw a conclusion about the work as a whole. Sigmund Freud’s theories on the construction of the mind are simple, but fundamentally changed the field of psychology. He proposed, among other things, that the human mind is composed of three parts: the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The preconscious consists of information, such as a telephone number, that is â€Å"accessible to consciousness without emotional resistance† (Schellenberg 21). In Freud’s estimation, the unconscious is the most important area of the mind. The information stored within it has â€Å"very strong resistances† to becoming conscious (Freud 32). Residing in the unconscious is the id, which â€Å"contains everything†¦that is present at birth†¦ – above all, therefore, the instincts which originate from somatic organization† (14). From birth, all action is instinctual, from the id. The id recognizes and entertains no desires but its own and is impatient to have its needs met. This phase lasts until a part of the id changes â€Å"under the influence of the real external world† (14). This changed portion b... ...o, while the novella’s archetypal structure glorifies Marlow’s domination of Kurtz. These two analyses taken together provide a much fuller and more comprehensive interpretation of the work. Conrad presents the idea that there is some darkness within each person. The darkness is is inherited and instinctual, but because it is natural does not make it right. He celebrates – and thereby almost advises – the turn from instinct. By telling Marlow’s tale, Joseph Conrad stresses to his audience the importance of self-knowledge and the unnecessity of instinct in civilization. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Penguin Group, 1997. Freud, Sigmund. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. Trans. James Strachey. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1949. Schellenberg, James A. Masters of Social Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Through a Freudian Lens Essay Without personal access to authors, readers are left to themselves to interpret literature. This can become challenging with more difficult texts, such as Joseph Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness. Fortunately, literary audiences are not abandoned to flounder in pieces such as this; active readers may look through many different lenses to see possible meanings in a work. For example, Conrad’s Heart of Darkness may be deciphered with a post-colonial, feminist, or archetypal mindset, or analyzed with Freudian psycho-analytic theory. The latter two would effectively reveal the greater roles of Kurtz and Marlow as the id and the ego, respectively, and offer the opportunity to draw a conclusion about the work as a whole. Sigmund Freud’s theories on the construction of the mind are simple, but fundamentally changed the field of psychology. He proposed, among other things, that the human mind is composed of three parts: the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The preconscious consists of information, such as a telephone number, that is â€Å"accessible to consciousness without emotional resistance† (Schellenberg 21). In Freud’s estimation, the unconscious is the most important area of the mind. The information stored within it has â€Å"very strong resistances† to becoming conscious (Freud 32). Residing in the unconscious is the id, which â€Å"contains everything†¦that is present at birth†¦ – above all, therefore, the instincts which originate from somatic organization† (14). From birth, all action is instinctual, from the id. The id recognizes and entertains no desires but its own and is impatient to have its needs met. This phase lasts until a part of the id changes â€Å"under the influence of the real external world† (14). This changed portion b... ...o, while the novella’s archetypal structure glorifies Marlow’s domination of Kurtz. These two analyses taken together provide a much fuller and more comprehensive interpretation of the work. Conrad presents the idea that there is some darkness within each person. The darkness is is inherited and instinctual, but because it is natural does not make it right. He celebrates – and thereby almost advises – the turn from instinct. By telling Marlow’s tale, Joseph Conrad stresses to his audience the importance of self-knowledge and the unnecessity of instinct in civilization. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Penguin Group, 1997. Freud, Sigmund. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. Trans. James Strachey. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1949. Schellenberg, James A. Masters of Social Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Critical Analysis of the Story The Sky is Gray by Ernest Gaines Essay

Critical Analysis of the Story The Sky is Gray by Ernest Gaines The title of the story â€Å"The Sky is Gray† by Ernest Gaines is ironic. It suggests at first the bleak mood of the story but also hints at hope in the future. Just as the clouds clear after a storm, James finds out on his trip to Bayonne that the stormy clouds that are his life are parting to let some sunshine through. Throughout the whole story, a very bleak mood is portrayed. The setting contributes to this gloominess. For example, the weather is awful. James, seeing how cold it was, said, â€Å"I seen the smoke coming out o’ the cow’s nose.† Later he says, â€Å"The sleet keep falling. Falling like rain now- plenty, plenty.† Once James turns up his collar to protect himself from the very windy conditions that also exist throughout the story. Another sign of the story’s gloominess is the fact that many of its scenes are without color. For example, the road in this story is very gray: â€Å"It’s a long old road, and far’s you can see you don’t see nothing but gravel,† as James put it. James also lets it be known that â€Å"the sky is gray† and that there isn’t much grass. Even the clothing that they wear is very dull-colored! James’ mother is â€Å"wearing that black coat and that black hat.† The story takes place during a war, which contributes to the overall gloomy setting of the story. â€Å"I wonder when us go’n see him again†¦Look like he ain’t ever coming home,† James laments, showing that his father went into the war and most likely is dead. The father’s absence leaves his family without adequate food, money, or manpower. The family’s poverty (which is partially due to the father’s absence) makes their future seem hopeless. The family lives in a poor, rural area, which was typical of black persons of their time. The family is crowded into a small, shabby home, so they must share rooms and beds. The family’s clothes are quite shabby too, for when James sees a mannequin in a store with new brown shoes, he looks at his own old shoes and thinks, â€Å"You wait till Summer†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The family does not even have enough money for some of life’s other necessities, such as food and medical care. For example, they eat bread and syrup every day for breakfast; and as James’ younger brother, Ty, said, â€Å"I’m getting tired of this old syrup. I want me some bacon sometime.† Beans are another bland food that J... ...le also recognizes James and his mother’s dignity. The woman lets James take her trash to the corner in exchange for the food (â€Å"Ernest [her husband] has a bad cold and can’t go out there.†). However, when James lifts the cans, he can feel that they are empty. When James and his mom are leaving, she asks the old lady if she sells salt meat (seeing that the old woman’s house is also a store). The old lady does, and Mama asks for two bits worth. The old woman knows that this isn’t much, so she tries to give mama more than her money’s worth. Mama notices this, so the old lady, trying to restore mama’s pride, eventually gives her the correct amount of salt meat for her money. Throughout the story, James begins to pass his mother’s tests for being a man of the household. For example, James doesn’t show the pain of his toothache, trying to appear strong for his family. He’s also learning to hide his fear, which shows in the â€Å"bird event.† The biggest test of all perhaps is when James learns that dignity (â€Å"you’re not a bum, you’re a man†) is more important than the chill wind. The reader is left hoping with James that soon the sun may finally peak through the clouds in his life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Satire in the Great Gatsby

Is Fitzgerald writing a love story that shows the American ideals, or is it a satire that comments on the American society in the roaring twenties? The novel The Great Gatsby is a satire type novel that comments on the American society during the roaring twenties.This is shown through the contrast of The Valley of Ashes and Gatsby’s parties, Gatsby himself, and Myrtle and George Wilson. Through these characters and places, Fitzgerald shows through satire, how the American dream isn’t real anymore and how it is now replaced with immoral activities and actions.The American dream has been replaced with greed and the pursuit of money rather than happiness. The valley of Ashes represents poverty and hopelessness. This location shows how the American dream has been perverted into something very dark and sinister.This is the desire of wealth at any cost and the ideal that money will make you happy. â€Å"This is a valley of ashes- a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Pg. 26). this quote shows the affects of the modern materialistic society of New York.Everyone wants to be the rich but the poor suffer a lot due to the by-product of the capitalistic society. The by-product in this novel is the ashes. This shows how people throw out regard for other humans for the pursuit to be rich (This is very immoral).This is believed to be the American dream. On the other hand you have McArthur 2 Extravagant parties at the Gatsby house just to impress a girl. This is a sharp contradiction which fits into Fitzgerald’s attempt to use satire to prove the point that the American Dream is gone. Gatsby himself is the bets example of the pervetd new American dream. Gatsby gets his money through bootlegging.He does what every he can to get rich and what got him rich was illegal and immoral activities. â€Å"You’re one of the bun ch that hangs around with Mayor Wolfshiem- that much I happen to know. I’ve mad a little investigation into your affairs and carry it further tomorrow† (Pg. 104).This quote shows Tom accusing Gatsby of being a bootlegger. Gatsby gets rich just to get Daisy. The satire shown is that no matter how much money Gatsby has he is never happy and all he needs is Daisy but Daisy will not like him unless he is rich. This shows how the only thing Americans care about is money and how the American dream is no longer.Myrtle and George Wilson are the poorer characters in the book but both want the dream of being really rich. Myrtle tries to achieve this by having an affair with Tom who is rich. She cheats on George and she ends up getting hit by a car driven by Daisy.This event shows that there is no way of escaping the Valley of Ashes. George is a hardworking man and just wants to get some money and seem rich. He tries to buy Tom’s car just so he can have a really nice car. G eorge symbolizes that in modern America, you will not succeed in getting rich and achieving the false American dream of being rich and happy.George ends up committing suicide which furthers the ideal that you will not get out the valley of ashes. This is another form of satire trying to urge people to not go with moral decay and rather live a happy non-immoral life.McArthur 3 The novel The Great Gatsby uses Satire to show that the American dream is dead during the roaring twenties. Fitzgerald does this through the Valley of Ashes, Gatsby’s parties, Gatsby himself, Myrtle and George Wilson. The American dream has been replaced with greed and the pursuit of money rather than happiness.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Development Of An Irrigation System In Thailand Environmental Sciences Essay

Subsistence husbandmans in semi waterless parts of Northeastern Thailand face many hazards. Anything from personal unwellness to inclement conditions can direct the husbandmans into debt. This undertaking will measure the H2O demands for farming in Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai, and develop a suited program for an irrigation system to run into those demands, therefore enabling the husbandmans to increase their harvest outputs. An irrigation system could increase harvest outputs, cut down the hazard of harvest failure, and perchance let for the add-on of a 2nd crop each twelvemonth. The excess income generated by irrigation to their harvests would assist the husbandmans rise above subsistence agriculture by supplying economic stableness. Our squad will analyse the conditions in the small towns, including field conditions and harvests to measure the state of affairs and find which irrigation system best suits the demands of the villagers. We will besides supply recommendations for a pr ogram for reasonably administering H2O from the system, every bit good as keeping it, both to be overseen by an organisation hand in glove run by the husbandmans. Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai are located in Ubon Ratchathani state, within the sub-district of Nam Khun in Northeastern Thailand. They are 98 kilometres from Ubon City and 600 km nor'-east of Bangkok. Slightly more than half their populations are Catholic, while the remainder are Buddhists. Since Catholics are seen as foreigners in Thailand, a Catholic bulk is highly uncommon in Thailand. There is presently a church in the small towns, which sponsors the Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai Rural Development Program, which attempts to help the villagers in assorted ways. Ubon Ratchathani is both Thailand ‘s easternmost state and the Northeast ‘s most populated state, with a population transcending 1.5 million ( Cummings 554 ) . It covers 15 thousand square kilometres and has a great trade of cultivable land. Though Ubon is located on the Khorat Plateau, which is prone to utmost rhythms of waterlessness and implosion therapy, doing conditions similar to the â€Å" African Savannah † ( Fukui 19 ) , it is still an of import beginning of nutrient for the people of the Northeast. The part ‘s importance as a major provider of nutrient does non insulate them for the tendencies of the national economic system. The recent downswing of the Thai economic system has affected the husbandmans even though they are located in a distant portion of the state. The devaluation of the Baht has made it progressively hard for husbandmans to turn a net income. This is merely one of the many jobs the husbandmans of Nong Dim Dam and Charoen Chai face everyday. The husbandmans are covering with a broad assortment of other jobs including: inconsistent rainfall during the turning season, hapless dirt that lacks H2O and alimentary keeping capablenesss due to its flaxen composing, low H2O tabular array, and diminishing income due to utmost beads in the monetary value of rice ( Lutzky 21 ) . As there is deficient rain during the dry season, from November to April, they are presently limited to turning during the rainy season that extends from May to October. They grow gluey rice for personal ingestion, and sell manioc, maize and jute to gain money for necessities they can non bring forth themselves. This pattern earns the villagers an mean 10,000 Baht per twelvemonth, or $ 253 a twelvemonth. There are a figure of different irrigation systems. The determination of which system to utilize will depend on a figure of factors including: the demands of the husbandmans, harvests grown, field size, capacity, H2O demands for specific harvests, the handiness of H2O, the terrain environing Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai, and the budget and organisation of the villagers. The paper will measure these factors and the effects they will hold on both the feasibleness and creative activity of the chosen irrigation system. To carry through our undertaking, our group will foremost place a beginning of H2O for the irrigation system. No irrigation system can be effectual with out an equal beginning of H2O. We are non likely to happen accessible land H2O, such as lakes streams or pools, due to the geographic location of the small town. Likewise, the small towns ‘ locations atop a tableland well decrease the chance of big organic structures of H2O of course happening within a sensible propinquity of the small towns. Alternate methods to roll up H2O may necessitate to be devised to supply H2O to the irrigation system. Our group will besides measure the H2O demands for each type of harvest to find H2O demands for each field. With GIS function, we will build a elaborate map of field locations, lift and H2O demand. Possibly utilizing H2O shortage planning, our group will reexamine the critical volume of H2O required to do the system cost effectual, and find the feasibleness of an irrigation system. If we determine an irrigation system is executable for the small towns of Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai, our group will do recommendations for an irrigation system and develop a system for care and H2O distribution. It is our hope that, one time this irrigation system is implemented, it will be a major measure for the villagers in their pursuit to travel beyond subsistence agriculture. Table of Contentss Executive Summary I 1 Introduction 1 2 Background 3 2.1 The Ubon Villages 4 2.1.1 Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai 4 2.1.2 Subsistence Farming 5 2.1.3 Catholicity in Thailand 5 2.2 Ubon Ratchathani 6 2.3 Agricultural Economy of Thailand 8 2.4 Agribusiness in Ubon Ratchathani 9 2.5 Irrigation 11 2.5.1 Types of Irrigation Systems 11 Sprinkler Irrigation 11 Drip Irrigation 12 Gravity Irrigation 13 2.5.2 Water Deficit Irrigation 14 2.5.3 Water Sources 14 2.5.4 Cost 15 2.5.5 Factors Affecting the Choice of an Irrigation System 15 2.5.6 Planing for Farmer Control and Maintenance 17 2.6 Concerted Principles 19 3 Methodology 21 3.1 Identify Water Requirements 22 3.2 Identify Water Sources 23 3.3 Develop a Plan for an Irrigation System 23 3.3.1 Assess Terrain Impact 24 3.4 Develop a Cooperative Water Management Plan 24 4 Bibliography 26 Appendix A. Annotated Bibliography 29 Appendix B. Traditional Northeastern Thai Villages 34 Appendix C. Cooperative Agencies in Thailand 35 Cooperatives Promotion Department 35 Cooperative Audit Department 35 Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives 36 Cooperative League of Thailand 37 Appendix D. Cooperatives in Thailand 38 Appendix E. Economic Issues of Cooperatives 39 List of Figures Figure 1. Map of Thailand ( Central Intelligence Agency ) 7 Figure 2. Map of Ubon Ratchathani Province ( MSN Learning & A ; Research ) 8 Figure 3. Sprinkler Irrigation System ( CA Dept. of Water Resources ) 12 Figure 4. Drip Irrigation System ( USDA ) 13 Figure 5. Gravity Irrigation ( San Joaquin Geological Society ) 14IntroductionDespite the recent displacement in the universe ‘s economic system towards industrialisation, agribusiness remains an economic basic in many states. Farmers constitute a important per centum of the population of many developing states, and of these, many are subsistence husbandmans, turning merely plenty to feed themselves and their households, with small or no excess. The dangers of farming at this degree are instantly evident. Give a hapless growth season, husbandmans may happen themselves unable feed their households without buying nutrient they can non afford, therefore traveling into debt. They operate at the subsistence degree because of scarceness of cultivable land, hapless dirt quality, or deficient entree to H2O and fertilisers. Among the states in Southeast Asia, Thailand has really experienced an encouraging growing rate in agricultural end product, increasing about 2 % per twelvemonth during the 1950s, 5.4 % per twelvemonth from 1958 to 1973, and 3.9 % per twelvemonth from 1973 to 1984 ( Heenan 199 ) . This growing was mostly due to the addition in the sum of cultivable land, which increased from 10 million estates in 1850 to about 150 million estates in the 1980s ( Phongpaichit 3 ) . Despite this growing in national farm end product and agricultural land, most farms in the nor'-east received few benefits, due largely to hapless dirt quality and fickle rainfall. The small towns of Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai, located in Ubon Ratchathani state, approximately 98 kilometres from Ubon City in Northeast Thailand, rely on subsistence agriculture. The mean income in the small towns is a paltry 10,000 tical ( about U.S. $ 253 ) per twelvemonth. The â€Å" Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai Rural Development Program, † established by the Mother of Peace Parish, has attempted to augment the villagers ‘ income by learning the adult females baking, run uping, handcraft, needlework, and through a â€Å" savings mobilisation undertaking, † leting villagers to gain involvement on their nest eggs, by assisting the villagers to raise cattles. Though these attempts are well-meaning, they do non turn to the major jobs of hapless dirt quality and unpredictable rainfall, which are maintaining the harvest outputs at a subsistence degree. Without a dependable beginning of H2O, there is no manner that the husbandmans can progress to profitable agriculture position. The deficiency of cooperation and trust nowadays in the small towns, every bit good as their limited economic resources, has antecedently prevented an irrigation system from being developed. This undertaking will measure the H2O demands for farming in Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai, and develop a suited program for an irrigation system to run into those demands, therefore enabling the husbandmans to increase their harvest outputs. We will besides supply recommendations for a program for reasonably administering H2O from the system, every bit good as keeping it, both to be overseen by an organisation hand in glove run by the husbandmans. This irrigation system will supply the husbandmans with a dependable beginning of H2O, enabling them to increase their harvest outputs through a 2nd growth season, and therefore leting them to lift above the degree of subsistence agriculture.BackgroundAgribusiness has long been a basic of Thailand ‘s economic system. Specifically, much of the state must trust on subsistence agriculture, or turning merely plenty to feed one ‘s household. A deficiency of a dependable H2O beginning is forestalling the villagers in Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai from traveling beyond the subsistence degree. This subdivision will first present information sing the two small towns, including plans that our patron has started. Since the big Catholic population of these two small towns may besides hold a significant impact on our undertaking, we present information on Catholicity in Thailand and, more specifically, how Catholics are perceived by other Thais. Since we do hold such limited information on the two small towns, we must utilize information on the general country, Ubon Ratchathani, to extrapolate to Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai. After appraising the state of affairs Ubon Ratchathani, we so travel on to the national agricultural economic system of Thailand, which has a important impact on the villagers ‘ lives. After diging into the broader national issue, we so concentrate on the agribusiness in Ubon Ratchathani, including turning season, common harvests, and jobs confronting the husbandmans. Our undertaking addresses possibly the most critical job of a deficiency of a dependable H2O beginning through the execution of an irrigation system in the small towns. Since urging a system requires a thorough apprehension of assorted aspects of irrigation, we so present background on different types of irrigation systems, factors associating to the pick of such a system, and issues of farmer direction of the system. Finally, since the building and care of an irrigation system is such a big undertaking, an irrigation co-op may be appropriate and, to this terminal, we present some basic concerted rules. This information should supply a solid footing for doing a recommendation to the villagers of Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai.The Ubon VillagesThe civilization and demographic make-up of the small towns we will be working with are really of import factors in determining this undertaking. The undermentioned subdivision will show background on Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai, every bit good as information on how spiritual differences may impact our undertaking.Nong Din Dam and Charoen ChaiThe small towns of Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai are located in the state of Ubon Ratchathani ( in the subdistrict of Nam Khun ) , about 98 kilometres from Ubon City. The bulk of villagers are subsistence husbandmans, concentrating largely on gluey rice, while turning a little sum of jute and manioc. Steeped in poorness, the mean per capita income in the two small towns is a paltry 10,000 tical ( $ 253 U.S. ) . The small towns make up the Mother of Peace Parish, and somewhat more than half the dwellers are Catholic. The church has formed the â€Å" Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai Rural Development Program, † which has implemented several plans to supplement the villagers ‘ agrarian income. In a savings mobilisation plan started by one of the sisters in the parish, husbandmans pool their income and let others to take loans from the pool, to be paid back with involvement. In add-on, the church has begun to learn the adult females of the small towns run uping, handcraft, and needlework, which produces goods to be sold at market for extra income. With the aid of the plan, many of the villagers are now besides raising cattles. Since these plans are run by the Catholic Church, it is ill-defined to what degree, if any, the Buddhists in the small town are involved.Subsistence FarmingThe husbandmans in Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai can be described as subsistence husbandmans, intending they turn merely plenty nutrient to feed themselves and their households. In old ages where there is a excess it is normally traded or sold for a net income. There are restricting factors that keep them at the subsistence degree including deficiency of engineering such as irrigation and tractors, and the hapless quality of the dirt which limits the types and outputs of their harvests ( Wikipedia ) . We must earnestly see that we are covering with subsistence husbandmans when measuring any recommendation for alteration of traditional methods. There is a significant hazard associated with a bad twelvemonth. In the instance of a calamity such as a harvest failure or a natural catastrophe the husbandman will non be able to feed his or her household, and may hold to sell assets including land to make so ( Scott 2 ) . An irrigation system in Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai would be an indispensable constituent to extenuation of these hazards and the first measure in a move off from subsistence agriculture.Catholicity in ThailandThe ample Catholic population in Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai is untypical of most Thai small towns. It is necessary to analyze the function of Catholic Church in Thailand, every bit good as the general attitude of Thais toward the Catholic religion to find the consequence this spiritual difference will hold on our undertaking. Thailand ‘s population is preponderantly Buddhist, about 95 per centum. Of the staying five per centum, Muslims make up the largest minority ( Niphon ) . There are merely an estimated 250,000 Catholics in the state ( about 0.4 % of the entire population ) , which is little even compared to the other minorities. In Ubon Ratchathani state, there are 24,967 Catholics, doing up merely 0.32 % of the population, despite the presence of a Catholic Diocese ( Cheney ) . Although the people of Thailand are by and large accepting, the Catholics in Thailand are still seen as aliens for several grounds. One of these is due to their obvious minority. Most of the Catholic parishioners in Thailand are non by and large native Thais. The bulk come to Thailand from neighbouring states, preponderantly Laos, which is a close neighbour to the Ubon part. Thai people besides see Catholicism as foreign because many Catholics came to Thailand from antecedently colonized states, adding to the stigma of Catholicism ( Niphon ) . Although these are general tendencies of the relationship between Catholics and Thais, the nature of the relationship between the Catholics and the Buddhists in Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai is still ill-defined to us.Ubon RatchathaniThe small towns of concern in this undertaking are located in the state of Ubon Ratchathani. Situated along the boundary lines of Laos and Cambodia, and with a population transcending 1.5 million, Ubon Ratchathani is both Thailand ‘s easternmost state and the Northeast ‘s most populated state ( Cummings 554 ) . Covering 15 thousand square kilometres, much of which is cultivable land, the country of Ubon is an of import provider of nutrient for the Northeast ‘s big population ( Lutzky 15 ) . Associating Ubon Ratchathani to Bangkok, the Mittaphap Highway, or Friendship Highway, runs 629 kilometer. Any goods that flow out of Ubon travel along this main road or through Thailand ‘s complex rail system to Bangkok. Figure 1. Map of Thailand ( Central Intelligence Agency ) Unlike most other parts of Thailand, the Khorat Plateau, upon which Ubon is located, rhythms through extremes of waterlessness and implosion therapy, bring forthing waterless conditions similar to the â€Å" African Savannah † ( Fukui 19 ) . This has badly hindered the agricultural development in the part. Figure 2. Map of Ubon Ratchathani Province ( MSN Learning & A ; Research )Agricultural Economy of ThailandIt is of import to understand that, while the husbandmans in Ubon Ratchathani are mostly isolated from the remainder of the state, they are still affected by the larger national economic system. Bordered by Myanmar, Malaysia, Laos, and Cambodia, the Kingdom of Thailand covers 514,000 square kilometres and consists of four distinguishable parts: the North, the Northeast, the Central, and the South, each with distinguishable demographics, clime, and geology. As of July 2003, Thailand had a population of 64 million ( est. ) , doing it one of the universe ‘s 20 most thickly settled states, despite its modest size ( Cardinal Intelligence Agency ) . In the decennary before 1995, Thailand enjoyed its greatest productiveness and growing. In the undermentioned old ages at that place was a terrible economic downswing taking to the devaluation of the Baht and a national recession. The downswing resulted from substructure jobs, banking jobs, deficiency of skilled labour, and mounting jobs with economic inequality. In response, the Thai authorities enacted strong steps to assist reconstruct the economic system to its old province ( Fryer 1 ) . Despite industrialisation in recent old ages, Thailand remains a to a great extent agricultural state. However, while agribusiness histories for 40 % of Thailand ‘s work force ( Fryer 1 ) , it makes up merely 8 % of all exports ( US 2003 Economic Summary ) . Because of this disparity, nutrient excesss, which are by and large a rareness in developing states, are a common happening in Thailand. Thailand ‘s high proportion of land proprietors to non-land proprietors is besides uncommon in the underdeveloped universe. This low rate of occupancy, combined with Thailand ‘s by and large big farms ( by Asian criterions ) has led to a higher criterion of life in Thailand than in other developing states. For case, the authorities privatized many concerns that were once government-owned. In add-on, the banking and fiscal systems were restructured ( Fryer 1 ) . The Thai small town economic system has existed for 100s of old ages and, like the national economic system, relies to a great extent on agribusiness, and is frequently referred to as an â€Å" arm ‘s length economic system, † which reflects the little graduated table of farming in Northeast Thailand. Most husbandmans in the part sell their goods to middle work forces, who are in bend sell to jobbers or other types of markets. This system implies an unfastened market where purchasers and Sellerss can exchange to whoever gives them the best monetary value, frequently in an informal auction format ( Warr 81 ) .Agribusiness in Ubon RatchathaniUnderstanding some rudimentss behind the agribusiness in northeast Thailand and some of the jobs blighting the husbandmans will be critical to the success of our undertaking. There are two distinguishable seasons, a rainy season that extends from May to October and a dry season from November to April, with a average one-year rainfall i n the part of 1600 millimeter ( Lutzky 17 ) . Crops are planted around the 3rd hebdomad of July, and are harvested in November. The chief harvests in the small towns include rice, maize, jute, and manioc. The small towns grow two types of rice: gluey ( gluey ) and non-glutinous ( non-sticky ) rice. The gluey assortment is grown for personal ingestion, while non-sticky rice is chiefly produced for sale ( Lutzky 18 ) . Chemical fertiliser is applied to over 90 % of the rice grown in the country, while manure is applied to approximately 85 % . Some husbandmans do utilize irrigation ; nevertheless, this is limited due to technological and fiscal limitations ( Lutzky 19 ) . Most northeasterly Thai husbandmans lack machinery, and by and large engage others with machinery to assist them with convulsing and milling, though they usually harvest by manus ( Lutzky 20 ) . The husbandmans in the country environing Ubon are covering with a broad assortment of jobs: hapless dirt that lacks H2O and alimentary keeping capablenesss due to its overly flaxen composing low H2O tabular array environmental harm due to improper fertiliser usage, and insects and disease inconsistent rainfall during the turning season ( Lutzky 21 )IrrigationAn irrigation system has been identified as a agency for the husbandmans of Nom Ding Dam and Chaoren Chai to extenuate many of the hazards associated with subsistence agriculture, and possibly to travel beyond subsistence farming wholly. To successfully do recommendations for an irrigation system, nevertheless, the group must foremost derive a through apprehension of many different aspects of irrigation. The undermentioned subdivisions detail the different types of irrigation systems, factors that go into taking them, information sing H2O beginnings and cost, the construct of H2O shortage irrigation, and constructs for farmer-managed irrigation systems.Types of Irrigation SystemsThere are several available systems of irrigation to be considered for usage in Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai. We must analyze these different types to organize a footing for our recommendation. The undermentioned subdivision examines three major types of irrigation systems: sprinkler i rrigation, drip irrigation and gravitation irrigation.Sprinkler IrrigationThis system, an illustration of which can be seen below, has gained popularity over the old ages due to it ease in operation and its usage of visible radiation and cheap aluminium piping. The chief elements of a sprinkler system are the beginning of H2O, the chief grapevine, the bomber chief grapevines, the sprinkler laterals, and the sprinklers. Gravity fed lines or a pumping system force H2O through the system and onto the Fieldss. The chief grapevine of this system brings H2O from the beginning to the Fieldss ; these pipes are by and large made of either PVC or aluminium. The bomber chief pipes branch off the chief pipe and present the H2O to the single Fieldss, frequently running along the boundaries of the Fieldss providing the H2O to the sprinkler laterals. The sprinkler laterals supply the H2O from the pipes to the existent sprinklers, which spray the irrigated H2O over the coveted country. As pumps are frequently expensive, there is important cost associated with the equipment used in this type of operation. Construction of this system is reasonably simple, nevertheless ( Finkel 193 ) . Figure 3. Sprinkler Irrigation System ( CA Dept. of Water Resources )Drip IrrigationDrip irrigation is similar to sprinkler irrigation in that pumps or gravitation deliver H2O to the Fieldss in the same manner. When the H2O reaches the Fieldss, nevertheless, it is non sprinkled over the harvests, but a system of porous pipes is used. The pipes rest on the land, as seen below, and supply H2O to the dirt at a slower rate than that of sprinklers. The porous pipes deliver H2O straight to the base of the workss, cut downing the losingss to evaporation, and therefore doing this system more efficient. The pumping equipment that may be necessary to travel the H2O in this system is besides expensive but, once more, building is non hard ( Finkel 247 ) . Figure 4. Drip Irrigation System ( USDA )Gravity IrrigationGravity irrigation is another major type of H2O bringing. This system besides uses a chief H2O beginning but uses gravitation instead so a pump to travel the H2O. Furrows or canals, similar to the 1 seen below, are frequently used as a manner of presenting H2O to the Fieldss, but husbandmans can utilize different types of piping as an option. This system is labour intensive because the furrows and canals need to be built and maintained, but is cheap due to the deficiency of pumping equipment. An added consideration with gravitation irrigation, nevertheless, is the topography of the land due, to its trust on gravitation. This system works best on degree or moderate inclines ( Finkel 349 ) . Figure 5. Gravity Irrigation ( San Joaquin Geological Society )Water Deficit IrrigationMost irrigation systems assume a close infinite H2O beginning. When watering in semi-arid parts, this is non a feasible premise. A H2O shortage theoretical account recognizes a limited H2O supply and adjusts to run into those considerations. Water shortage irrigation, merely set, is under-watering a works to maximise H2O dispersion among a larger figure of workss ( Gorantiwar ) . Gorantiwar and Smout define the intent of under-irrigation as â€Å" to distribute available H2O over a big country, thereby increasing the entire usage of H2O or energy per unit irrigated. † Both energy and H2O usage will necessitate to be minimized for an irrigation system in Charoen Chai and Nong Din Dam, due to a deficiency of financess and the scarceness of H2O. Under-irrigating harvests will non give crops of a superior quality ; in fact, the harvested fruits will be little and developing. By tight direction o f H2O, nevertheless, the procedure can increase the volume/mass of a crop by up to 40 % ( Gorantiwar ) .Water BeginningsFarmers can utilize a figure of H2O beginnings to obtain H2O for irrigation. These beginnings include the ocean, rivers, watercourses, springs, lakes, purchased H2O, Wellss, and rainfall ( Hackelman 1-7 ) . Unfortunately, due to the limited budgets of the husbandmans and the geographic location and terrain, the bulk of these beginnings will non be executable. We are non likely to happen accessible land H2O, such as lakes, watercourses or pools, due to the geographic location of the small town. Farmers could buy H2O, but its cost is prohibitory. There is a important sum of precipitation. Eighty-eight per centum of the mean rainfall, nevertheless, occurs between May and October ( Lutzky 17 ) . To use this beginning of H2O we would hold to invent a system to roll up and hive away excess rain during the rainy season for usage during the remainder of the twelvemonth.Cos tTo measure and compare the costs associated with each irrigation system we must take both the initial investing and the long term costs into consideration. The initial investing is comparatively easy to measure. All outgo associated with the purchase of constituents, stuffs, and the building of the system make up the initial investing. Long-run costs can be broken up in to two groupings, â€Å" fixed † and â€Å" variable † costs ( Roth 103 ) . Fixed costs accumulate irrespective of whether or non the system is in usage. Depreciation, revenue enhancements and insurance are illustrations of these. They are besides known as â€Å" the cost of having a system † ( Roth 104 ) . â€Å" Variable or operating † costs are disbursals that occur due to the usage of the system, and include repairs/maintenance, fuel, oil, and labour ( Roth 105 ) .Factors Affecting the Choice of an Irrigation SystemWhen be aftering the execution of an irrigation system it is necessary to see many factors. Several of these include the H2O beginning, topography, clime, dirt types and harvests. Several factors affect the effectivity of a H2O beginning, including: lift size acceptable flow rate distance from Fieldss ( affects the demand for a pump ) , and H2O quality ( presence of chemical deposits ) . The topography of the part ( the incline of the terrain ) can be a confining factor in taking an irrigation system. Farmers can utilize all systems on minimum to chair inclines, but can merely utilize drip irrigation on steep inclines. The uniformity of the incline can impact the flow of H2O in all types of systems but is by and large non a job for the three prevailing irrigation systems discussed before ( Finkel 37 ) . We must besides see the clime of the irrigated part when measuring the pick of an irrigation system. Sprinkler systems are non suited for blowy conditions, as air current can greatly interrupt the uniformity of the system and increase vaporization well. The temperature and humidness greatly affect the efficiency of a sprinkler system by helping vaporization. In the instance of high temperatures and low humidness, it is best to utilize trickle or gravitation irrigation ( Finkel 39 ) . Dirt in the irrigated part is besides an of import consideration, as it can impact the lacrimation method. Soils with high wet capacity require H2O less frequently but necessitate more H2O each person lacrimation. Dirts with low wet capacity need H2O more often and do increased losingss due to runoff ( Finkel 39 ) . The type of harvest being grown besides has important importance when sing an irrigation system. All types of irrigation are suited for row harvests. Gravity irrigation is best for closely separated harvests and groves ( Finkel 42 ) .Planing for Farmer Control and MaintenanceHarmonizing to Yoder and Thurston, when planing an irrigation system to be run and maintained by husbandmans, there are five chief elements of a successful design procedure. The design procedure should: â€Å" 1 ) : be policy-driven, 2 ) be field-based, 3 ) have farmer engagement, 4 ) include processs for larning from experience, and 5 ) integrate local logic, cognition, and experience † ( Yoder 10 ) . Any successful irrigation design undertaking must province clear policies that should back up husbandman direction and engagement. Though these policies must be clear, they must besides be flexible and able to accommodate to the husbandmans ‘ demands. This frequently causes jobs when authorities organisations are involved, as their budgeting regulations are frequently really rigorous, and can do important holds. Government policy should besides back up farmer ownership of H2O supplies and the irrigation substructure ( Yoder 10 ) . To decently ease the design of a system, applied scientists of the system must pass important clip in the field. This is indispensable to guarantee the proper sum of husbandman engagement in the design. Engineers in the field can really see the physical location where their system will be implemented, every bit good as interact with the husbandmans to integrate suggestions. Though elaborate designs are frequently hard to do in the field, many irrigation undertakings do non necessitate such item. These frequently must be adjusted during the concluding building stage anyways, and really are non required for all but the most complex systems ( Yoder 10-11 ) . If the system is to be owned and operated by husbandmans, their engagement in the full design procedure is important to the success of the undertaking. Engineers must show a positive attitude toward and keep healthy relationships with the husbandmans. In add-on, it is critical that they meet with husbandmans frequently to maintain them informed of the advancement of the undertaking and any holds or alterations. They must stay informed of the costs of the undertaking and understand what they will be responsible for. In big undertakings such as irrigation building, it is common for husbandmans to organize husbandman groups, either officially or informally, to promote engagement in the design procedure ( Yoder 11 ) . While it is evident that the applied scientists planing a system must supply preparation to the husbandmans responsible for pull offing it, husbandmans besides play a cardinal function in supplying information to the applied scientists. The husbandmans have the advantage of holding observed the Fieldss for many old old ages, while the applied scientists can merely detect them for a short clip. To derive as thorough an apprehension as possible of the Fieldss, applied scientists must see the field on multiple occasions, and pass on openly with the husbandmans to place issues they may meet ( Yoder 12 ) . An facet of the design procedure that applied scientists frequently overlook is to place the aims of the husbandmans. The applied scientists ‘ standards for a good design may non ever fit up with the husbandmans ‘ , and this must be determined at an early phase. In add-on, applied scientists should set up a simple and effectual forum to pass on design thoughts to the husbandmans. Yoder and Thurston suggest conveying husbandmans onsite and taging off countries with bets and strings, alternatively of discoursing abstract design thoughts in a big meeting. Another effectual agencies of pass oning design programs is for applied scientists to construct 3-dimensional theoretical accounts of the proposed constructions. If executable, it is besides recommended to take the husbandmans off-site to locations where similar systems have been implemented. This accomplishes two of import undertakings. It allows the husbandmans to really see a system in operation. More significantly, thou gh, they can discourse the direction issues of the system with other husbandmans ( Yoder 12 ) .Concerted PrinciplesDue to the significant cost of set abouting an irrigation undertaking, it will be necessary for the small towns to move hand in glove by pooling resources and sharing the duties for care of the system. Harmonizing to the International Co-operative Alliance ( ICA ) , a co-op is â€Å" an independent association of individuals united voluntarily to run into their common economic, societal and cultural demands and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled endeavor † ( p. 2 ) . The organisation besides identified seven rules which embody the spirit of co-ops. Any organisation, whether formal or informal, that is formed in relation to this irrigation undertaking, should adhere to these rules: Membership in a co-op should be voluntary and unfastened to anybody willing to utilize its services. Cooperatives must be democratically controlled by their members, and those functioning every bit elected representatives of the co-op are accountable to its members. Members must make concern with the co-op in order for it to be successful, and may be rewarded in assorted signifiers for the sum of such concern. Cooperatives must stay independent, and any understandings they enter into must retain that liberty. Cooperatives should supply instruction and preparation to members, representatives, and employees. Cooperation among co-ops is encouraged to function the concerted motion. The concluding rule reads: â€Å" Co-operatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies approved by their members † ( International Co-operative Alliance 2-3 ) . By adhering to these rules in the formation of a co-op for direction of the irrigation system, we will guarantee equity and equity to all who choose to take part.MethodologyThis undertaking will measure the H2O demands for farming in Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai, and develop a suited program for an irrigation system to run into those demands, therefore enabling the husbandmans to increase their harvest outputs. The undertaking will take topographic point between January 9, 2004, and March 5, 2004, though we expect that the concluding building of our recommended irrigation system will take well longer. It is of import to concentrate the undertaking to a specific location and therefore, we will include merely the Fieldss in the small towns of Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai. The squad plans to carry through the end of the undertaking by transporting out the undermentioned stairss: place the H2O demands of the villagers identify beginnings of H2O for the irrigation system design a program for a suited irrigation system assess the impact of the terrain on the irrigation system develop a concerted H2O direction program.Identify Water RequirementsTo find the feasibleness and complexness of the proposed irrigation system, we will foremost necessitate to place the H2O demands of the villagers. This will affect taking elaborate measurings of the Fieldss of the husbandmans who wish to take part in the undertaking. We will necessitate to find the entire land country we will necessitate to water. In add-on to this, we will map out the harvests that are grown on each field, and the typical H2O demands for each harvest. The H2O demands for each harvest will be determined through mention beginnings and interviews with the villagers. With this combined information, we can find the entire sum of H2O required for harvests for the small town. We will so find the minimal rainfall the husbandmans can anticipate in a given twelvemonth, by looking at rainfall informations for the country, and besides from the husbandman ‘s cognition of annually rainfall. Subtracting th is figure from the entire H2O demands of the villagers will give the sum of H2O the irrigation system must supply in a twelvemonth. At this phase, if maps of the small towns are unavailable ( which we expect they wo n't be ) , we plan to map the Fieldss ourselves utilizing a GPS system along with field observations and measurings. While the GPS engineering is inexact, it is cheap and we expect that the mistake will non throw off our informations significantly. To bring forth these maps, we will utilize GIS mapping engineering with MapInfo package. This phase of our undertaking will probably affect interviews with the husbandmans, which brings the communicating issue into drama. We are unsure how we will pass on with the villagers. At this point, we plan on the handiness of one of our patrons, either Sr. Lita or Ms. Cipriano, to construe for us. As these informations are important for our undertaking to continue, it should be gathered every bit shortly as possible. We plan to hold it completed within the first two hebdomads of the undertaking period.Identify Water BeginningsAnother measure in finding the feasibleness of the undertaking overall is placing beginnings of H2O for the irrigation system. We will turn up beginnings of H2O through interviews with the villagers and through analysis of maps of the country, if available. Along with consideration of inactive H2O beginnings such as pools and reservoirs, we must besides see the sum of rainfall the country receives. It may be possible to integrate a rain aggregation system into the irrigation system, to salvage rain for later usage. Indeed, if there are no surface organic structures of H2O in the country, the system may necessitate to trust wholly on this rainfall aggregation system. These informations are besides important to our undertaking, and should be collected at the same time with the informations from Objective # 1. This should besides be completed within the first two hebdomads of the undertaking period.Develop a Plan for an Irrigation SystemAfter roll uping the antecedently mentioned informations, we will be in a place to analyse this information and utilize it to urge a suited irrigation method to run into the demands of the husbandmans. In add-on to confer withing our ain information, it will be of import to garner sentiments and position from the villagers at this phase. Since they will be responsible for keeping the system, it is of import that we take their input into consideration when doing our proposal.Assess Terrain ImpactAs par of developing a program for an irrigation system, we will measure the impact of the terrain on a possible irrigation system. This is necessary to find which types of irrigation systems, if any, would be appropriate, as comparative lift can hold a important impact on the public presentation of the system. To carry through this, we will seek for lift maps of the country. If we are unable to turn up these, we will map the country ourselves, utilizing either a GPS system, an altimeter, or an oculus degree. This will be the concluding stage of information-gathering before the existent design procedure begins because it plays such an of import function in the design of the system. This information should be collected by the terminal of the 3rd hebdomad of the undertaking period.Develop a Concerted Water Management PlanFinally, after carefully analysing our informations and urging an irrigation system, we will urge a system for administering the H2O and keeping the system, utilizing recognized concerted rules. We will roll up informations from other small towns with community-managed irrigation systems to find common and acceptable methods for such direction. In add-on, we will interview husbandmans in the small towns to garner their positions and suggestions on this direction system. Again, this presents us with a communicating issue. It will be imperative that we are able to pass on with husbandmans in other irrigation co-ops every bit good as those in Nong Din Dam and Charoen Chai. While we hope to trust on Sr. Lita and Ms. Cipriano to construe in the two small towns, we may necessitate to engage a third-party translator for communicating when we visit other irrigation co-ops. We plan for this work to be ongoing throught the term. We will interview the villagers within the first few hebdomads but the visits to other farms and adept interviews could take topographic point at anytime during the undertaking period.